x1On Tue, 24-Apr-2018 at 10:38PM -0400, Ista Zahn wrote:


|> >
|> > Well, I thought I did that with what I posted on 16/4/18, though I did
|> > neglect to give the system information:
|> I cannot reproduce it, which means either that you didn't give clear
|> reproduction steps, or that I failed to follow them.

As it turns out, there are more than those two possibilities.  There
is a difference between the set ups, and that difference is not in the
.emacs file.  In fact, there is a ~/.Rprofile which I'd forgotten
about.  The discussion in this thread about the R function dump() led
me find an addition to that file I made centuries ago.

options(deparse.max.lines = 4)

IIRC That was to deal with an issue with the browser() function that
would spew out all the code adjacent to where browser() appeared in
the function.  There was a lot of superflous code filling up screen

I don't understand how that change didn't lead to the current issue at
the time, but removing that line in .Rprofile is the answer to my

Many thanks to all the contributors to this thread,

   ___    Patrick Connolly   
 {~._.~}                   Great minds discuss ideas    
 _( Y )_                 Average minds discuss events 
(:_~*~_:)                  Small minds discuss people  
 (_)-(_)                              ..... Eleanor Roosevelt

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