I have an exchange 2000 server at home that I use to practice with. Since I am using a 
residential ISP a lot of the email I send gets blocked at the recipients gateways 
because they use a service that lists me as a residential IP. 

I have done some research and found some information on smart hosts. I have tried to 
configure my server to use the smart host and provided my credentials that I use for 
my ISP's smtp server. However, when I send email I get no errors from the SMTP server 
but after a while I get and NDR. It appears that the messages get queue, but it can't 
send it out to this server. 

I tried a couple online email services and they had similar problems. Does anyone know 
of an ISP or email provider with a SMTP gateway that will accept the smart host 
connections from my Exchange server. This way my outbound email won't get blocked? 
Also is there a better way of forwarding mail out through an ISP. 

My server is Windows 2000 SP2 Running Exchange 2000 SP2 

Thanks for any help. 


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