Hello! I'm Adrien from Luxembourg, looking to contribute to Fedora Linux.

My first experience with open source was Blender in 2018, then I installed Ubuntu in 2021. Among the distros I've used since then, I stuck with Fedora because it hits a nice balance between ease of use and user control. My main interest is in making Linux more accessible to "non-tech" people.

I have been programming for 2 years (mainly in C), know shell scripting, git and the classic debugger
tools. My 4 fluent languages are French, Luxembourgish, German and English.

Time-wise, I expect to be spending 5-6 hours a week on Fedora contributions; as I'm still in school,
this may  vary depending on exams.

I look towards fixing upstream bugs in programs (like GNOME terminal) at some point, but will try my hand at translations in French and Luxembourgish when I get started. Looking towards working with
all you cool people!
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