The Question of Revisiting or Revising the Fluctuon Model
I thank Drs. Kirby and Brenner for re-introducing Conrad’s Fluctuon model. 
Although I’ve never directly incorporated Conrad’s ideas into my own research 
involving natural and artificial intelligences, I believe they collectively 
continue to offer a framework useful for probing and elaborating details of 
information at all levels of description. That said, I wonder if it isn’t now 
appropriate to revise rather than simply revisit the Fluctuon model? Obviously 
one must first appraise the current strengths of any model before revising it, 
but I echo Dr. Brenner’s hope that FISers will attempt to disentangle the 
Fluctuon model’s merits/failings during this discussion session with the goal 
improving the model. The current discussion centered on distinguishing the 
it/bit aspects of the model are germane to my position on the role of physics 
and information in biology.
I find, perhaps in my ignorance, that the core of Conrad’s concepts (cf. 1) 
simultaneously extends David Bohm’s earlier popular works (e.g., 2) as well as 
parallels, in some content and timing of publication, the key developments in 
extradimensional physics over the past 40-or-so years. Modern Kaluza-Klein-type 
theories, for example, may be applied to mesoscopic fluids in such a way to 
evoke Conrad’s insights on the influence of unmanifest particles on manifest 
ones. As other scientists have done, I’ve given considerable thought to the 
topic of microphysical influences on semiclassical biology over the past 20 
years, so that it now plays a dominant role in my research on cellular and 
organism decision making and additional cognitive(-like) processes (cf. 3).
Kaluza-Klein-type theories locally embed or unify different combinations of the 
known physical forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, and the weak and strong 
nuclear forces in a world manifold greater than four dimensions, thus creating 
symmetric relationships between the different forces and their properties. Some 
modern Kaluza-Klein-type theories, such as Induced Matter (IM) and 5-Brane 
theories, improve the concept of earlier Kaluza-Klein theories by setting 5D 
field equations in terms of a flat Ricci tensor that neither restricts the 
topology of the fifth dimension nor treats fields separately from their 4D 
source matter. In this rich framework of Riemannian geometry, nonradiation-like 
matter or energy density can manifest itself in the fifth dimension as 
or charged rest mass of differing coordinates, with a timelike fifth force 
possibly revealed as time variations in 5D-dependent 4D mass (4). Notably, the 
fifth force, not found in Einstein relativity, emerges from the canonical 
as a choice of coordinate or gauge and is related to motion in the fifth 
dimension as well as charge/mass ratio, where 4D charge becomes 5D momentum 
By applying canonical IM theory, one can then mathematically project the 4D 
spacetime structure of biocurrents (e.g., fire-diffuse-fire calcium biocurrents 
that mediate primitive intelligent behaviors in microbes), macromolecules (e.g. 
transmembrane receptor proteins, nucleotide sequences, etc.), or other 
biosubstrate onto a 5D coordinate system. This sort of transform (also valid 
high-energy particle and cosmological physics) equates physicochemical 
computations that covary with intelligent behaviors and other biological 
processes with the action of mass and its energy equivalents. Canonical IM 
theory, in particular, offers tremendous scale invariant explanatory power 
Goedel-type causal anomalies, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, and 
paradoxes often employed to describe the emergent properties of nervous tissue 
and other excitable biological or nonbiological media either become vanishing 
artifacts of coordinate selection or deterministic laws in 5D physics (cf. 4). 
Computational complexities, like those described by Conrad, might be accounted 
for in terms of the 5D motion of mesoscopic particle mass and its relationship 
to 4D time-energy uncertainty, 4D spacetime curvature, and further lower 
dimension effects. Using IM theory also provides an exceptional starting point 
for later considerations on physical relationships between the emergent 
properties of various excitable media, nonsymmetric Riemannian spaces, torsion 
spaces, and other higher energy manifolds beyond five dimensions.
Thus, IM theory is consistent with the Machian, relativistic, and quantum 
of the Fluctuon model, while also providing an intermediary energy framework to 
either explore lower dimensional Holographic or higher dimensional 
Supersymmetical physical and informational descriptions of biology not 
explicitly addressed by the Fluctuon model. In view of these advantages of IM 
theory, how would FISers remodel the Fluctuon model to embrace trends in modern 
physics? And, if the Fluctuon model is more informational than materialistic in 
principle, as Dr. Salthe and others suggest, then shouldn’t the gap between 
information and material worlds be closed to produce a more flexible, universal 
model akin to IM theory capable of making testable predictions at both reduced 
informational and extended thermodynamic degrees of freedom? It seems to me 
the greatest advances in our understanding of information will come from models 
that can effectively handle concepts from purely informational (or 
mathematically idealistic) and physical perspectives – a goal that Conrad seems 
to have aspired to realize with his incomplete efforts.
Kevin B. Clark
1. Conrad, M. (1996). Percolation and Collapse of Quantum Parallelism: A Model 
of Qualia and Choice. In S.R. Hameroff, A.W. Kaszniak & A.C. Scott (Eds.), 
Toward a Science of Consciousness. Cambridge: The MIT Press.
2. Bohm, D. (1980). Wholeness and the Implicate Order. London: Routledge & 
3. Primitive Microbial Intelligences Expressed as Extended Computational 
in Modern Kaluza-Klein Metric. K.B. Clark (Principal Investigator) & S.E. Krahl 
(Principal Investigator of Record). White Paper submitted to Defense Advanced 
Research Projects Agency (DARPA-BAA 07-68, Math Challenge 5), Fall 2008.
4. Wesson, P.S. (1999). Space-Time-Matter. Singapore: World Scientific.

From: "" <>
Sent: Sat, September 25, 2010 3:28:22 AM
Subject: fis Digest, Vol 541, Issue 13

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Today's Topics:

  1. Re: Revisiting the Fluctuon Model (Loet Leydesdorff)
  2. Re: Revisiting the Fluctuon Model (Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 11:57:32 +0200
From: "Loet Leydesdorff" <>
Subject: Re: [Fis] Revisiting the Fluctuon Model
To: "'Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic'" <>,
    "'Joseph Brenner'" <>,    "'Stanley N Salthe'"
    <>, <>
Message-ID: <004e01cb5c98$15020770$>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

They simply are an "it-bit" like in Informational Structural Realism of
Floridi who (using different reasoning) argues that reality is an
informational structure.

The it-part is in the "structure" which assumes the specification of a
system of reference. 

In evolutionary terms: structure is deterministic/selective; Shannon-type
information measures only variation/uncertainty.

Best wishes,


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Message: 2
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 2010 12:28:09 +0200
From: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic <>
Subject: Re: [Fis] Revisiting the Fluctuon Model
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear Rafael,

Ø  Otherwise bits turns into digital metaphysics

Not necessarily if we take that dual nature seriously. They are both waves and 

I have also written in that sense several times, among others in

Dear Loet,

Ø  The it-part is in the "structure" which assumes the specification of a 
of reference.

In evolutionary terms: structure is deterministic/selective; Shannon-type 
information measures only variation/uncertainty.

I agree with you. And complementary part "bit" comes from its dynamics.



Best wishes,

From: Rafael Capurro []
Sent: den 25 september 2010 11:55
To: Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
Cc: Loet Leydesdorff; 'Joseph Brenner'; 'Stanley N Salthe';
Subject: Re: [Fis] Revisiting the Fluctuon Model

dear Gordana

just because the bit-view of reality one possible view is. Otherwise bits turns 
into digital metaphysics.
Floridi: he is contradictory. He says/said that the infosphere is not the 
cybetspace, then yes, then no... Then he says that forms are on a "higher level 
of abstraction" that bit-forms... which is what Plato would say and said (but 
much better than Floridi), the digital infosphere being only one possibility of 
forms, then he says...



Dear all,

Regarding the very interesting discussion of "it" from "bit" and vice versa.

Usually each level of information processing (semantic, algorithmic, 
implementational) presupposes some "it" in which "bit" is implemented. In 
computing, recursions must have a bottom.

Could it be the case that on the very fundamental level, "it" and "bit" cannot 
be distinguished at all?
They simply are an "it-bit" like in Informational Structural Realism of Floridi 
who (using different reasoning) argues that reality is an informational 

Fluctuons being quantum-mechanical phenomena have already dual wave-particle 
Why cannot they be "it-bit" as well?


[] On Behalf Of Loet Leydesdorff
Sent: den 25 september 2010 10:48
To: 'Joseph Brenner'; 'Stanley N Salthe';<>
Subject: Re: [Fis] Revisiting the Fluctuon Model

Dear Joe,

Please let me start by repeating my idea that fluctuons are "its", that is, 
energy in some form. If (mathematical) idealism is anti-realist, this is 
certainly not what I would consider Conrad's theory to be. Stan comes to the 
same conclusion, that fluctuons are its, but this suggests to him a 
non-materialist conception of information. This is a first place where 
like another logic is needed that can incorporate the material-energetic and 
non-material aspects of information.

Can this issue not simply be solved by returning to Shannon's concept of 
information. Bits of information are dimensionless. In S = k(B) H, the 
constant provides the dimensionality.

One should not confuse this mathematical concept of information with the 
biologically inspired concept of information as "a difference which makes a 
difference" (Bateson). This is observed information by a system which can 
provide meaning to the information.

I would not call this "anti-realist", but "anti-positivist". The specification 
in the mathematical discourse remains res cogitans (as different from res 
extensa). All of physics also has this epistemological status. All other 
science, too, but sometimes positivism is ideologically prevailing.

Best wishes,

Loet Leydesdorff
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR),
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam.
Tel.: +31-20- 525 6598; fax: +31-842239111 <> ;


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Prof.em. Dr. Rafael Capurro

Hochschule der Medien (HdM), Stuttgart, Germany

Capurro Fiek Foundation for Information Ethics 

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Distinguished Researcher in Information Ethics, School of Information Studies, 
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President, International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE) 

Editor in Chief, International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) 

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