Foundation members,

I know that this has been coming for a while but as a former contributor
who generally just wants to keep tabs on the major changes and
announcements, this particular change will mean that I probably don't keep
tabs on anything.  There's no obvious replacement on ''.
The closest I can see is a 'community' category which is entirely too
broad.  Entering the 'foundation-announce' tag, which is how I interpreted
the information below, yields nothing.  Given the immense talents involved
with Gnome, I'm sad that no one came up with a better solution than simply
dropping foundation-announce.

On Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 7:44 AM Andrea Veri <> wrote:

> Hi,
> As we have been communicating during the past few months GNOME's Mailman
> platform is being decommissioned (python2 deprecation, major burden in
> managing lists spam). The deadline is currently set to the end of October
> 2022. Mailing list subscribers are invited to migrate to GNOME's Discourse
> instance [1]. Neil made sure [2] to create a set of tags you can re-use to
> initiate a new topic in the new platform, if a tag is missing please reach
> out to me directly.
> Jehan (from the GIMP Team) kindly provided some instructions you can
> follow [3] in order to safely migrate your reading workflow to Discourse.
> The new platform supports several login methods including your GNOME
> Account and other major OpenID providers.
> After the deadline of the end of October Mailman archives will remain
> alive in read only mode for posterity. If the mailing list was used behind
> an alias, please let me know so we can re-do the same setup but on
> Discourse instead.
> Thanks,
> P.S All the l10n lists are still pending code changes in damned-lies, the
> deadline to decommission those lists may slip by a week or two depending
> how soon those changes will be made available in DL codebase
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Principal Systems Engineer at Red Hat,
> GNOME Infrastructure Team Coordinator,
> Former GNOME Foundation Board of Directors Secretary,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage:
> _______________________________________________
> foundation-announce mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

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