
I have a general question about how to configure mozilla. I personally like to use a window manager like "ion". GNOME is very beautiful but I usually do not need all of the additional applications and overhead. I usually install X, ion and Mozilla. The big problem that I am having (and why I am making this post) is that when I configure the system in this fashion Mozilla does not look very good. If I install GNOME everything looks great. I can even run mozilla from "ion" and it looks great.

I have played around with fonts, etc. but it has never had any big impact. I have found that installing the bitstream-vera fonts help.

Does anybody have an explanation of what is going on here ? Are there some key libraries from GNOME that I need to compile mozilla with ? I would be very interested in any feedback.

I am running FreeBSD 5.2.1, Mozilla 1.6_4.2 and GNOME2-2.6.1.

Thanks in advance,
Arend van der Veen
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