Apologies if this study has already been linked here.

Barcelona Media studied emotion and dialogue on English Wikipedia article talk pages and published the paper "Emotions under Discussion: Gender, Status and Communication in Online Collaboration" in PLOS ONE. Among the study's findings was that "female editors engage in relationship-oriented speech that is conducive to a positive working environment."

I believe their conclusions also reinforce some of the initiatives at the Gender Gap Task Force. Particularly relevant is their conclusion that "our results suggest that being able to involve more women and to give them more space in the community would also result in a virtuous cycle of female participation, through the creation of a communication environment where they feel more comfortable."

Link to open source article: <http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0104880>

Link to Spanish language news article: <http://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20141027/54417582364/las-mujeres-usan-mas-palabras-sociales-y-son-mas-constructivas-en-discusiones.html>


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