-1, <br/><br/>Apache InLong[1] is a one-stop integration framework for massive 
data that provides automatic, secure and reliable data transmission 
capabilities. InLong supports both batch and stream data processing at the same 
time, which offers great power to build data analysis, modeling and other 
real-time applications based on streaming data.<br/><br/>The streamxhub[2] aims 
to make stream processing easier! easy-to-use stream processing application 
development framework and one-stop stream processing operation 
platform.<br/><br/>From my side, the planning and design of Apache Inlong and 
streamxhub projetc is consistent. Is it necessary to create a new 
project?<br/><br/>And there are still many problems that have not been solved 
in the discussion email[3].<br/><br/>Kind Regards,<br/>Beam, Aviem 
Zur<br/><br/>[1] <a 
href="https://inlong.apache.org/";>https://inlong.apache.org/</a><br/>[2] <a 
 2022/08/24 03:55:26 tison wrote:<br/>&gt; Hi all,<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; Following 
up on the [DISCUSS] thread on StreamPark[1], I would like to call<br/>&gt; a 
VOTE to accept StreamPark into the Apache Incubator, please check out 
the<br/>&gt; StreamPark Proposal from the incubator wiki[2].<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; 
Please cast your vote:<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; [ ] +1, bring StreamPark into the 
Incubator<br/>&gt; [ ] +0, I don't care either way<br/>&gt; [ ] -1, do not 
bring StreamPark into the Incubator, because...<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; The vote 
will open at least for 72 hours, and only votes from the Incubator<br/>&gt; PMC 
are binding, but votes from everyone are welcome.<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; 
Best,<br/>&gt; tison.<br/>&gt; <br/>&gt; [1] <a 
 [2]<br/>&gt; <a 
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