Hi Remi,

Once again we thank you for your work.


----- Mail original -----
De: "Remi Collet" <fed...@famillecollet.com>
À: "Liste de diffusion des developpeurs GLPI" <glpi-dev@gna.org>
Envoyé: Vendredi 9 Octobre 2015 09:09:53
Objet: [Glpi-dev] RPM packages of GLPI


FYI Here is the current state in Fedora and EPEL repository:


* Fedora 21 still have 0.84 but will be EOL in a few week
* Fedora 22 and 23 have 0.85 and 0.90 in "updates-testing"
* EPEL-7 still have 0.84

Explanation for keeping 0.84 were

* changes in OCS mode which imply a complex update
* while ocsinventoryng plugin is compatible, IMHO it is mostly broken
and not usable on "big" installation (all computers synced on each run)
* Fedora / EPEL update policy

But, as usually, backports are available in my repository.


* version 0.85.5 + some plugins in "remi" repository
* version 0.90 + some plugins in "remi-test" repository

Notice: RPM diff with manual installation (of course, same code)

* FHS compliant (config in /etc, data in /var/lib, ...)
* use system libraries (Zend, Zeta, tcpdf...)
* works out of the box with Apache or nginx (Fedora only)
* more secure and SELinux compatible
* cron managed by system

Hope this helps,


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