
I agree that the wiki would be a better place to document this; that is why I 
raised the subject here. The bug in question discusses adding information to 
the Guide and Help, and I am wary of adding ephemeral information to the 
documentation, given how long the cycle ends up being, and how things in the 
docs seem to take on a life of their own.

On the other hand, it is also clear to me that most users don’t seem to access 
the wiki when they run into problems, and I worry that relegating this 
information there will make the transition more difficult for new users.


> On Jan 31, 2017, at 8:32 AM, John Ralls <> wrote:
>> On Jan 30, 2017, at 11:51 AM, Frank H. Ellenberger 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Am 30.01.2017 um 18:25 schrieb Geert Janssens:
>>> Op maandag 30 januari 2017 21:35:20 CET schreef David T.:
>>>> It occurs to me, though, that John’s comments regarding possible 
>>>> repackaging
>>>> for the Mac make me wonder more generally whether information that is
>>>> intended to be short term (such as this) really belongs in the
>>>> documentation. I am reminded of the What’s New section, which was recently
>>>> removed from the Guide in acknowledgement of the website being a better
>>>> location for this. Temporary transitory information such as this is a poor
>>>> fit in the documentation, as it either forces some person to monitor and
>>>> change the information all the time (which is a challenge), or it ends up
>>>> being dated and misleading to users.
>>> This took me by surprise. I didn't see any mention of John's intentions to 
>>> change this. Had to dig back in the archives to find this indeed buried in 
>>> the 
>>> "Change storage format of existing data" thread, which I admit to have 
>>> skimmed 
>>> only before due to time restraints. That's good news of course!
>>>> I do not know what the best solution in this broader situation is; I am 
>>>> open
>>>> to suggestions. In the meantime, I will see whether I can work out language
>>>> that both addresses the issue and mitigates the editorial burden.
>>> Well, current documentation is for the 2.6 release in which the sql backend 
>>> on 
>>> OSX only supports sqlite. So that's the information which should be in the 
>>> 2.6 
>>> docs. I believe this can be one short note at the spot where you explain 
>>> which 
>>> sql types are supported. It doesn't need much elaboration.
>>> If John does find the time to fix this for 2.8 (which I surely hope!), the 
>>> accompanying documentation needs an update. The trick will be to remember 
>>> at 
>>> that point this needs updating...
>>> Alternatively you can hold off the PR for this piece of information until 
>>> it 
>>> will be more clear whether or not this will happen for 2.8.
>>> I can't think of better options ATM.
>>> Geert
>> In the wiki I would write something like "Since version 2.x.y the Quartz
>> package includes SQLite support."
> "2.x.y" would be 2.4.0.
> Regards,
> John Ralls

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