I found instructions for putting gnucash on Google Drive, but I don't
understand them. Here is what I found:
>* I want to have Gnucash on all my computers so depending which one I'm
using *

*> I have access to my financial analysis. > > Or will I run into
problems? Nope, piece of cake: Just set GNC_DOT_DIR to a folder on your
Google Drive. You didn't say what OS you're using, so in Linux you can just
set it in .bashrc. On OSX you'll want to edit
Gnucash.app/Contents/MacOS/Gnucash. On Windows the easiest way is to edit
the shortcut in the menu (right-click on it and select Properties from the
context menu). Regards, John Ralls*

*Where do I find GNC_DOT_DIR? Where is the menu referred to in the quote
*Thanks for your assistance.*
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