On May 29, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Werner Koch wrote:

> Hi,
> I can't remember whether I announced it, but since some weeks
>  keys.gnupg.net is a CNAME to pool.sks-keyservers.net
> and
>  http-keys.gnupg.net is a CNAME to ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net
> The reason for this change is that it is useless to spend a lot of work
> in maintaining such a second pool.  The folks behing sks-keyservers.net
> to a very well job.  keys.gnupg.org is mentioned in the installed sample
> config file and thus likely used by many new users.  Now it works again.

FWIW, the reasoning is/was similar in RPM choosing the sks-keyservers pool
as a default key server configuration:
        %_hkp_keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net
        %_hkp_keyserver_query %{_hkp_keyserver}/pks/lookup?op=get&search=
There's no need to reinvent a better infrastructure.

So I'll chime in and piggy-back a +1 to Kristian Fiskerstrand here: Nice job!

The previous default of "keys.rpm5.org" might yet have to be resurrected
if it is not possible to also use SKS key servers as a notary registrar for
automatically generated key pairs generated by every invocation of
        rpmbuild -ba foo.spec
The number of invocations of rpmbuild daily is likely larger than all other
pubkey uploads to SKS key servers combined.

Which makes me a bit more sensitive to issues of bloat! with CA57AD7C 
in SKS key servers than most.

73 de Jeff

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