[Goanet] bulls tied to a cart

2014-05-16 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Have you seen two bulls tied to a cart and these bulls are led along the way chosen by the cartman. We too in Goa ,(not all) are bulls tied to a religious cart and the cartman just wants to drive us the way he wants . Will we be save or fall in the field or river ? don't ask questions or say

[Goanet] goanet has become boring

2014-05-15 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Can someone make goanet a bit interesting ? Instead of washing dirty linen it would be better if goanet contains some nice receipes, jokes, tiatr and film review, some marriage advertisments, some hints on how to have good health and what fruits and vegs are found where. We are fed up of

[Goanet] why are we afraid ?

2014-05-06 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Many times we are afraid of everything around us . When children are born we are so careful and we clean everything on earth yet your child will eat the dirt which is hidden under the door mat. What we have to be frightened is the VACINES WE GIVE to our children just because a doctor has asked

[Goanet] why does your kidney not function ?

2014-04-26 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Kidneys get affected when you use refine salt. God has given us salt coming out from sea but we somehow do not belief in God's creations and believe doctors and other people who say sea salt is not good but refined salt. This salt gets deposited on the kidneys and certain chemicals used in

[Goanet] minorities rights

2014-04-25 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Can any one tell me who has benefited by minority rights ? The religious running the schools are the beneficiaries. Take for example the schools run by minorities. They reserve the post of the principal, headmaster for their own people whether he or she is qualified or not. They do not pay

[Goanet] Let each one decide

2014-04-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
In today's world a middle class working person wants clean roads, jobs, vegetation .Religion does not matter. What is the difference between a catholic, christian, hindu, muslim, etc we are all human beings created by same God. Do we get any benefits from our religion ? do we get roti kapda or

[Goanet] good culture in the west

2014-04-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
People in Goa always consider west as a clean place, no corruption, better government, lots of facilities, good educational system, etc etc. A friend of mine settled in London. They migrated tohi London from Africa. They always considered UK those days as haven for goans and always looked Goa

[Goanet] hindutva

2014-04-11 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
For last 12 years living with Narendra Modi Fr.Prakash forgot about Hindutva. Now only at election time he realised that Modi was a fanatic and promoter of hindutva. whom is he trying to fool ? Regarding Vivian I pity him for not getting a priest that does not mean you deprive us of priest to

[Goanet] corruption

2014-04-11 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
we talk about minister being corrupt. why not take blame on yourself ? You go to govt office. you want your work to be done. when you approach the govt servant whose work is to serve you, you use flowery language praise him and push a five hundred note in his pocket. You want a job for your

[Goanet] secularism v/s communalism

2014-04-09 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
How many of us have visited Gujerat and seen what Modi has done for the state ? how many has been to the bank and seen secular ministers' bank accounts and properties ? People sit at the chai shop or bar and talk. Our tongue can wag like dog's tail and there is no limit. How many of our priests

[Goanet] Gujerat

2014-04-08 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Narendra Modi changed the face of Gujerat. Wide and clean roads, flyoovers, jobs to the poor and the widows, and agriculture is boosted. Villages look green with different vegetables grown. Garbage is regullary collected and sewage disposed. Why are some people with vested interest give diverse

[Goanet] what is a religion

2014-04-07 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
People put dividers while talking to religion. Each person feels superior and their leaders still higher. Our attitudes need to be changed and our thoughts towards the other person need to be changed. Our christian religion wants us to do just two things. Love God with your whole heart and

[Goanet] why are we tilted towards foreing objects and people ?

2014-04-03 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Once I took my family and my brothers's family to a spice garden. we were around 35 of us fitted in a tempo traveller. We purchased tickets and got inside and the owner took us round to show the spice garden. The garden was beautiful but when we reached certain point he instructed us to keep

[Goanet] Narendra Modi and you

2014-04-01 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I doubt if any one of us have seen Narendra Modi or lived in the vicinity. Some one has put it in our head that if modi comes to power then our churches will be destroyed, catholics will be persecuted. When BJP came to power there were able to solve the babri issue so nicely. Vajpee was the

[Goanet] goans are taken for a ride

2014-04-01 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
we goans catholics think that Congress is a secular party and that goan catholics will be saved. Even some of the priests have been talking about secularism. This thought is ruining us. All those who contest elections are self centred people and our priests have been preaching knowling or

[Goanet] there is no conscience in catholic church

2014-03-23 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I know there is no conscience in the catholic church leaders. Certain priests get transfered to lucrative churches and others are shunted into wilderness where the church is poor. Today brahamins priest get nice rich churches . If our leaders cannot treat their own people nicely and justly why

[Goanet] Mobile tower radiations

2014-03-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I read what Girish Kumar and what Gerard Delaney has said. My education is just BA and I cannot understand what both are saying and who is right and who is wrong. But I shall as a lay person draw simple conclusions. I think it must be at least 15 years since mobiles came into existence in Goa.

[Goanet] Elections and Goa church

2014-03-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I read the message sent by centre of mass communication and etc regarding whom we have to vote . . This type of centre wakes up like how frogs wake up at the onset of monsoons. Today we have people having one meal a day. when I was in school I studied in a nuns convent. I was never taken for

[Goanet] Are you a goan ?

2014-03-19 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
A goan migrates to Canada, USA, etc .He goes there because these places are superior to our poor goa. We are poor people who have no father and mother. But after you have selected these places why do you call yourself a Goan ? You are no more a goan. Your passport is either British Passport, or

[Goanet] State and National awards

2014-03-16 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Awards should be given to someone for extraordinary events or action. Take Mother Theresa. There are thousands of nuns all over India. some of them are teachers, and some of them work in orphanages, and some work in home for the aged. That job is given to them by their superiors. What is the

[Goanet] Medicines and doctors

2014-03-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
When God created the earth and the people he also created medicinal plants so that man may use them and get ok. but we have failed to recogonise God as our doctor and have too much faith in local doctors who once they get their mbbs degree they do not open their books and do reference. Take a

[Goanet] Can Aires Rodrigues stop this ?

2014-03-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Many senior advocates in Mapuca have their offices in residential areas. Mapuca Municipality charges less charges to residence areas less electcity charges where as those in commercial areas have to pay more municipality fees, higher electricity bills. so it is not fair that some advocates are

[Goanet] You and your life

2014-03-09 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
How many of us are happy in this world ? Happiness comes when we think of the comforts of other people. Someone comes to your house and want to spend some few days with you. He or she may be known person, your relative, your aunt etc may be your sister from other state etc. Will you give your

[Goanet] Does any one know Arnold George Dorsey

2014-02-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Arnold George Dorsey was born in Madras in 1936. He was the second son of Merwyn Dorsey and olive Dorsey. Meryn worked as an engineer in India and in 1947 Merwyn moved to London and settled in Leicester. Arnold dropped from school at the age of 15 and started to sing in Men's club. He married

[Goanet] my only hope

2014-02-17 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
My only Aires Rodrigues contest lok sabha election and become central minister and I would like to see if he emasses wealth or throws to the dogs. He has been grinding the sins of everyone except himself. Could he publicly tell people on the net and elsewhere what is his assests for the last

[Goanet] Persecution in India

2014-02-17 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
we are persecuted by our own religious people. Every Sunday I have to sit on a wooden bench listening to insipid sermon which my leader does not prepare. I have to recite my prayers like a parrot which many times I forget to recite due to weak memory. Some people say this is the best form of

[Goanet] Bank Strikes

2014-02-12 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Again and again the bank employees strike and we customers are the most sufferers. What kind of service does these so called bank employees giving us ? long ques, abuses, several trips to the banks to get small work done etc etc. Why does Aires Rodrigues take up this issue instead of cleaning

[Goanet] Sermanvanchea Vellar Tuzo Sintid Khoim Asta?

2014-02-04 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Mogal ixtta, Sermaovamchea vellar hanv niddonk veta kiteac zaite padre missak ieta sermavamchi toiari korinastana ani vazpam zatam tea aplea sermaovamchi toiari korta ani amcam sogleank niddonk daddtat. Hanv chintunk poddleam ki 20 crore project kaddun tantun retire diupaucho padre nant tor tem

[Goanet] Goa then and now

2014-02-02 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Goa has been eaten by moths. The moths have grown from Goan soil. The other day I happen to go to candolim and while passing through saipem my heart started to bleed to see the hills covered with forest have been converted into concrete jungle and being a village the sarpanch and the panches

[Goanet] awards

2014-01-29 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Every year state and National awards are given. Sometimes it is for a teacher who has taught for say 35 years in a particular school or a musican who has blown his instrument for 40 years or for a tiatrist who has danced on the stage for many years or any other artist. But those who institute

[Goanet] The west

2014-01-25 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
USA first got hold of most of the jews and took them to the states. Jews were intellegent people and mastermind in technology. Some of the jews became top people in the government adminstration. Because of these intelligent jews USA became one of the greatest nation in the world. Then USA tried

[Goanet] Dress well Mr.CM

2014-01-24 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
i saw our chief minister dressed in bush shirt . Many of us must have made a statement that our chief minister does not dress well and to the occassion. But I cannot understand why must the chief minister wear a suit ? People wear suits in cold countries. I know that people even go to work in

[Goanet] Why are we tilted towards the west ?

2014-01-24 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Many of us praise the western countries even without seeing the place and study its geography and its people too. We look upon our own mother India as a source of inferiority and low class. Once upon a time we had a craze to buy foreign items. Even our church has foreign saints. Most of the

[Goanet] God loves you

2014-01-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
We have celebrated Christmas with pomp and glory. We have made models of mud and wood to represent Jesus, Mary Joseph. All these things do not have any meaning in our lives only if we would understand that God wants to be born in our hearts. But our hearts are dirty. It is not possible for God

[Goanet] Green grass on other side of the fence ?

2014-01-12 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
My class mate in school in Bombay after finishing his engineering in bombay got a job in one of the top industries in bombay. Inschool he was a topper and a source of intellegence. He joined a top college for science . He was earning around sixty thousand in seventies when you could get a rice

[Goanet] Learn to call a spade a spade.

2014-01-01 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Let us learn to call a spade a spade and a knife a knife. When I studied in a convent school the nuns would not tolerate cheating, telling lies. We were so honest that if we found a small pencil we would run to the headmistress and hand it over to her .The nuns taught me many things. One to be

[Goanet] Can we get those days back ?

2013-12-30 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I remember as a child when we lived in village of bardez we used to travel in camiaos. It was 13 seater or 15 seater bus. More like a big maruti van.On the back side there were two long seats and in front the driver seat and one passenger seat. The conductor collected tickets which was six anna

[Goanet] What were the people of saligao, candolim, Pilerne doing when garbage was thrown ?

2013-12-28 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
They were all saying maka kiteac podlam ? , People of candolim , saipem, Pilerne stand and see their hills are destroyed , trees are completely destroyed and big buildings are build. i do not know if they are at all aware that destroying hills and cutting trees on large scale will destroy the

[Goanet] Christmas and christianity

2013-12-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Christmas does not mean making cribs and putting statues in it or lighting a christmas star or having santa claus. Christmas reminds us of one thing. It is a great event in the life of everyone where God himself becomes man and gets into the womb of an ordinary human Mary. It teaches us

[Goanet] Why do you always think negative ?

2013-12-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Any ordinary wedding now a days lakhs of rupees are spent. People always want a grand show. Why can't our present chief minister celebrate his son's wedding ? Secondly he has every right to spend money. Of course not above his income. Why do some people like leeches talk against the chief

[Goanet] Keeping servants

2013-12-23 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Why do you need a servant ? If each one of us learn to do our own work then there is no need of hiring a servant. Is it necessary for both husband and wife to work ? The answer is we cannot make both ends meet. Mr.John works in Goa, He gets a salary of 15,000 rupees. He lives in his father's

[Goanet] God's given gifts

2013-12-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
We like to visit this doctor and that doctor. We do not like to use God given medicines when we are sick. Cumin seeds or jeera. if you fry this jeera on a frying pan and also little rice and add boiling water to it and on cooling drink it cools your stomack, intenstine and removes all heat. It

[Goanet] Dry day on the feast day

2013-12-04 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
We celebrate the feast of any saint to learn about his or her life and to make our lives as theirs. Sitting in the bars and drinking is not a part of any feast. That is actually what is happening in Goa . We celebrate one thousand feasts, and what is going down our throat is a drink in large

[Goanet] Goa and goans

2013-11-28 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Dear GoanettersGoans always feel that the grass grows greener on the other side of the fence. I remember in my childhood days people from africa would visit Goa and wear shirt and tie and a hat. They wanted everyone to see this atire and call them africanders. So much so that even the mothers

[Goanet] Telelkal scandal

2013-11-23 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I read the story of the girl who worked as a journalist and how she was molested by her editor and how he tried to get her sexually aroused in the lift. It is a shame . A person who is like her father, a friend has to stoop so low as to molest a poor girl fit to be his daughter/

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 798

2013-11-19 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Dear FriendsNever take lic policy from employees of LIC. There are many LIC employees who have taken lic agencies in their relations' name and far away from posting. since the employees are not transfered there is no problem. A friend of mine took a policy from an employee in Mapuca and went on

[Goanet] Bias Goanet

2013-11-19 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
When I wrote about the way the catholic church is functioning and asked why we should say the rosary etc etc this was rejected and here we read all sorts of things in the goanet. check

[Goanet] doctor doctor

2013-11-11 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
The modern generation want a very fast zipzap cure for their ailments. In my neighbourhood there is an old man living with his elderly wife and once in a while his children will visit him. It was the old man's birthday and so all his children and grand chind ldren thought it would be wise to

[Goanet] My beautiful Goa

2013-11-03 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Goa is a beautiful place a land of hills, valleys, sea, beaches , rivers, lakes etc. But Goans were never satisfied with this land which had lots of fields and gave each one of us plenty to eat and a good feni of coconut and caju to drink for those who wanted to. We had bars for those who

[Goanet] (no subject)

2013-10-31 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
During my childhood days we had these meassurements. Pail , podd, solgem, ornati and the last one was girnati were used .Two pailies made a kuddo. 4 podds made one paili. 2 solgem made one podd and so on

[Goanet] Goans and Goa

2013-10-21 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I do not know from time way back my childhood days Goans did not love Goa. Everything is green else where but in Goa. So many left Goa and migrated . They have taken that citizenship so if those who do not love Goa why call yourself Goans ? We are the unfortunate ones who have taken Goa as our

[Goanet] Duent ani dotor

2013-10-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
In the good older days every village had a doctor who was known as gaumcho voiz and paid by the government. Other doctors charged a nominal fee of I think two or three or may be five rupees. In case of cold and fever the medicine given was a mixture and the prescription could be read only by

[Goanet] Duent ani dotor

2013-10-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
This incident happened when my grandmother was alive. A young five year old girl suffered from bronchities. The girl lived in my neighbour hood. My grandmother advised the parents to put ventos. The father took the girl to a good doctor who got her admitted and put her on antiobiotics and

[Goanet] chief mininster and communidade land

2013-10-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
You forget about the chief minister and the land. For so many years non goans have occupiwed communidade land and have built their homes. Every communidade has members called joneros and then there are share holders and then the committee and then govt appointed bodies. Each time there is jon

[Goanet] A simple request to Joe uk bab

2013-10-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Please do not send any photos of fish curry rice on this goanet or on any website. Just today I saw photos sent by you with lovely fish which I do not see in the market or am able to buy. Do you know how sad I became when I saw ta li of lovely fish like conak, and other . Joe why don't you

[Goanet] curosity

2013-09-30 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
being inquisitive in school I would get what I wanted to know but today no one seems to answer my questions . Born in a catholic family I have bth een asking priests questions like why should we say the rosary, why should we celebrate so many feasts of our lady why there is no love and concern

[Goanet] Kala academy tiatr competition

2013-09-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Can any one be kind enough to send me the list of tiatrs that are to take part in kala academy competition along with the dates ? i shall be obliged. The list of tiatrs had come on herald by my hubby misplaced that copy of herald. please publish on goanet. ana Maria

[Goanet] Reply to Mr.Sanches

2013-09-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I still belong to Roman Catholic religion. Mr.Sanches has no knowledge of his religion or else he would not throw vemon at me. He still clings to Roman life or Egyptian life and does not want to find the truth of God, Jesus or Motherhei Mary. Mary's life should be embedded in you. If you love

[Goanet] Parrikar said we are slaves in our thinking

2013-09-08 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Absolutely right. though we are baptised christians we are still left with out old traditional beliefs. How many of us put liquor bottles, cigerettes in the coffin of the dead ? how many of us give bikareamchem jevon more because to give solace to the dead and before we start the jevon we keep

[Goanet] small family is it sukha family or suko (dry ) family

2013-09-05 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Friends, Government has been giving us a slogan that small family is a happy family. Ask your children Are you happy ? the answer is no. John and Lina are married. They have already planned .No children for first five years(five year plan) Lina wants promotion, John wants to build a house like

[Goanet] know the facts

2013-08-24 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
After Resurection Jesus was with his disciples and told them to wait for the Holy spirit as he left to Heaven. The disciples were with Mother Mary and all frightened. Then came the holy Spirit and all the apostles became vibrant. They were not afraid of the jews and even death. They called

[Goanet] (no subject)

2013-08-16 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
When I chose Christianity I chose Jesus Christ as my leader. What did jesus do ? He kept his father as the head of his family and life, He preached the word of God. Did he say the Rosary, angelus ? then why do we do that thing now ? comment

[Goanet] Who is the finnancer ?

2013-08-15 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I have noticed that every year certain priests take a trip to Europe. I am very well aware that the to and fro ticket visa runs into lakhs of rupees. From where do these priest get money every year ? From sunday collection ? I was told from my childhood that collection on good friday goes to

[Goanet] Tiatrists V/s Politicians

2013-08-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Washing somebody's linen publicly speaks of lack of education. Of late tiatr standard are gone below standard. Tiatrist if they want to clean the government should first clean the government employees. Most of the govt employees are doing two or three businesses. They emass wealth and pay no

[Goanet] tiatrist V/S politicians

2013-08-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I find that tiatrs of today have no standards. Before any tiatrist speak on any politicians he should contest the elections and see how it works. Tiatrist if

[Goanet] why Mopa airport ?

2013-07-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Why people do people insist on having airport at Mopa ? let us have an airport else where .There are some leaders in North Goa that are determined to have airport in Mopa because they have their property which will fetch a lot of price. I have seen on the tv on Prabhu dessai shouting to have

[Goanet] Reply to Eugene

2013-07-19 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I am a Roman Catholic. Till today I have not joined any believers because of my mother in law. If I join the believers group then when my mother in law dies she will not be burried in the catholic cementry. I know many priest try to use this cementry as a weapon to get the flock together. I

[Goanet] our religion

2013-07-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Christ never founded any religion. He came into the world to improve our standard of thought and life. He just wanted us to do two things. Love God with your whole heart and love your neighbour . We celebrate 165 feasts of Mary a year but still do not know who this Mary is. We have xerox type

[Goanet] no hindus when Portuguese came ?

2013-07-16 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
My father had traced his family history by getting birth and death certificates and when he reached somewhere like 1534 or something like that we found that one of the parent was krishna Gaonkar or something like that. My elder brother has the birthcertificate. that means we have decesended

[Goanet] is the catholic church honest

2013-07-07 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
if our catholic church is honest why are they afraid to disclose who is in the managing committee of the catholic church and why do they not give us accounts of money received and spent ? why are they forcing us to donate for projects which is not ours ? If you believe in Jesus come out with

[Goanet] is our religion a true religion ?

2013-07-02 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
No our religion is not true. Peter is not the first pope. Prove that he was the first pope. If he was a pope why was he murdered? Mary in catholic churches is only a diety. priests blesses and insences the idiols. they are adoring statues. what ever is blessed by priest becomes a god. Mary was

[Goanet] catholic church opposed to right of education act

2013-06-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I have seen how minority schools function. The priest and nun is always a headmaster or headmistress. He or she has no experience nor any quality to run a school. These inefficient priests or nuns start barking from day one. teachers get scared. Do you know how headmaster or headmistress teach

Re: [Goanet] Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 406

2013-06-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
! That too on goanet!! Please lord help her! Amen!! From: Ana Maria Fernandes amferns_n...@hotmail.com Priest attached to church and their leaders are taking advantage of our lay people ignorance to emasse wealth and live a luxurious life. Every saint is sitting on a box with a opening

[Goanet] Mopa airport

2013-06-26 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
If any one of you feel that Mopa airport is not required then why not go to high court and get justice to your demands ? We have courts where we can fight for our rights. Some activist go to court when it suits them and quietly withdraw when their palms are greased.

[Goanet] marriage

2013-06-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Marriage is a union of two people of different sexs . How you get married is not a big thing but remaining faithful to one another is most important. Marriage is a sacred commitment for life. People do not understand what marriage is. Just because you get sex cravings you just cannot pick up a

[Goanet] can some one do this ?

2013-06-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Many writ petitions are filed in the courts and many of these cases are public litigations. Can some one file a case against lawyers having their offices in residential areas in Mapuca ? I would lay a challenge to any one doing this. Many advocates occupy residential flats as it is cheaper

[Goanet] who are you

2013-06-14 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Many times we boast that our religion is founded by christ and that protestants are traitors. Many times priest speak about believers saying that they do not believe in Mother Mary. How many of the catholics know your religion!!!If any one tries to argue they say you are spoiling my faith. We

[Goanet] When God created the world !!!!

2013-06-09 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
When God created the world human beings were honest and had concerned for others. In today's world everyone was glory and power and money without any efforts. That is the reason money collected for the poor goes into the pockets of those who collect it. In Go a we have caritas society. They

[Goanet] What if Aires becomes the chief minister ?

2013-05-30 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Can Aires tell me what type of Goa will be if you become the chief minister ? I am fed up the way you dig at the ministers at all times. Put your hand over your chest where your heart is and ask yourself this question am I a honest citizen of India ? a honest husband, a honest father ? then

[Goanet] what does your heart speak ?

2013-05-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
why can't we have concern for others ? On one side there are people throwing plates after plates of food in the dustbin and on other side there are people who cannot afford to eat one meal a day. I am coming from a poor family. We were three girls and two boys. Parents could not afford to give

[Goanet] If Jesus Christ had to come to Goa now

2013-05-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
He would have looked at every one and sighed I made a grave mistake in coming down to the earth and carry a heavy cross on my shoulders and shed blood. What a fool I was !!!. Today my followers are making fool of myself. They are emassing wealth , having big bank accounts, live in palaces, have

[Goanet] Think about the lesser people

2013-05-18 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Once as I was walking along the busy road there was a dustbin where people had just thrown their left overs after their lunch.I could see rice thrown not only in the dust bin but also on the road and then I noticed some street children two in number coming to the bin and eating the left overs

[Goanet] Equal status

2013-05-05 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
There is lot of discrimination in our churches when it comes to catholics, believers and other non christians. It is necessary for a priest to announce in the church openly that those who have not received baptism should not go for communion ? what is the priest trying to boast ? Once my friend

[Goanet] can some one do this ?

2013-05-03 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
faithfully Ana Maria Fernandes Naika Vaddo, Calangute, Goa

[Goanet] Mopa airport

2013-05-03 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
For a person who do not get two meals a day he is not worried if Digamber is the chief minister or parrikar. He or she is not worried if there is one airport at Dabolim and one at Mopa as he or she will not sit in the plane and fly. For the poor and the middle class the government has given in

[Goanet] where is my world leading me to ?

2013-05-01 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Michael Fernandes told me to become a nun. God gave me a vocation and got me married to a nice young understanding huslband who gave me love and five nice children. Bravo. I have loved not only my husband but his parents too and my beautiful five children. 3 girls and 2 boys. I had left my job

[Goanet] life without bread

2013-04-28 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I know best what it is to be poor. We were six children , grandparents and parents take makes ten. My father was the only bread earner .We had fields that gave us food but could not afford to eat fish, meat etc. My mom used to get fish and put everything in the curry. Cost of the fish was just

[Goanet] What Jesus did

2013-04-26 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Jesus never boasted that he was son of God but called himself as son of man. He lived a simple life. His followers the priests and nuns like to call themselves religious I do not know why. Many of us lay people are fanatics and want to support a priest even after knowing he is out to make

[Goanet] what is christianity ?

2013-04-23 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Christianity is a way of life by which a person loves God and loves his brother or sister. We need no lifeless statues, or time wasted in putting flowers to statues which cannot talk to you and burning candles and adoring lifeless statues. Our priest encourage all this nonsense because for

[Goanet] wear the cap if it fits you

2013-04-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Blackmailing someone to get gainful money is not the right way. There are some people who file cases in the court instigate people, give publicity and when the opponent offers some gold they retrieve back like a earthworm and go back to their hole. These type of people have a malicious type of

[Goanet] what my Grandmother told me

2013-04-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
when my grandmother was 12 years old their neighbour told her father i would like to bring your daughter as my daughter in law . My great grand father was very poor and when he told him about his circumstances the neighbour said You give me that particular land as dowary for your daughter .

[Goanet] why do we behave like this ?

2013-04-20 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
The life of Jesus was a quiet one. no publicity, I cannot understand the attitude of our church authorities and why they give publicity. In real life a priest always boast of himself as educated and above board. He will condhuemn the lay person many times from the pulprit. Why suddenly during

[Goanet] Alina Saldanha should stop destruction of forests

2013-04-13 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
I was shocked the way hill cutting is done at saipem candolim. By end of may there will no more be any forest in saipem candolim. I do not know why the villagers of saipem, orda, candolim are keeping quiet over the whole hill being destroyed. I have been told that a five star hotel is coming up

[Goanet] Blessing of houses

2013-04-05 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Soon after Easter catholic priests go house to house for house blessing. This has gone for centuries. Our priest have been doing this job very methodically or what adjective to use I do not know. But today our cities are converted into huge buildings and each building has around four to five

[Goanet] loss of your identity

2013-03-29 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
when a person takes citizenship of another country he is no more a goan or an Indian. He is a british, canadian, australian, etc. Keith vaz is no more a goan or an Indian. why boast about his achievement ? if he comes to Goa he comes like any britisher. Like wise others too. We goans are not

[Goanet] do you know this ?

2013-03-28 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Jesus Christ was a rejected jew. The jews had their own beliefs. After Jesus died and went to heaven his followers were just 11. But they had to swim against the current. They called themselves believers. Till 64 AD when Nero was the emperor he persecuted the christian community. He even set

[Goanet] who will answer me these questions ?

2013-03-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Without feeling hurt I would be happy if someone can answer some of these questions I want to put to the Clergy of Goa. Why are most of the parish priest very adamant, rude, and boastful ? Why do they consider the lay peopWhy le as inferior commodity lacking in knowledge of God and that the

[Goanet] best Religion

2013-03-27 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Christian religion is the simplest of all religions. Just love God with your whole heart and soul and love your neighbours like yourself. If we only we had followed this there would be no crimes on earth, no robberies, no dacoties, no bombs, no terriorist, no rapes, no land grabing. But our

[Goanet] be proud to be an indian

2013-03-25 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
Most of us have a tendency to tilt towards the west. We like the white colour, and what not. West people are the best. west culture is the best. west goods are the best. nndia shi shi backward. Many of our people migrate and when they migrate ththeey find they are lost birds. They will not

[Goanet] see Saipem

2013-03-19 Thread Ana Maria Fernandes
The other day happened to visit a friend of mine in saipem and was shocked to see a huge hill being cut and buildings are erupting from that. The slope is so steep that it is difficult to drive even your car in first gear. Someone told me that a five star hotel is coming up on that hill.

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