Dear Editor
Times of India

Your news items titled "Parrikar colluded with corrupt Congressmen to oust
me, says John"  which should have been just opposite ". In fact Parrikar
colluded with John to oust Congressmen" because this way Parrikar gained
clear entry to get his roots stronger in BJP. The weakness was also with
the Congressmen leaders as most of them are corrupt who gave John enough
opportunity to convince the High command Sonia Gandhi to believe it, and
she was really fooled. But John never realized that one day the truth will
come out and now it is proved that he committed a blunder and this is the
answer what he got from the High Command to get him ouster.
Can anybody will believe his stories now? He should have said this when he
was in his seat and not after he was shunted out. It is not easy to fool
now the Goans.

Stephen Dias

Parrikar colluded with corrupt Congressmen to oust me, says JohnTNN | Oct
9, 2014, 01.01 AM IST
READ MORE John Fernandes

   - Luizinho denies appointment as GPCC chief
   - Suspended Goa Youth Congress president alleges 'harassment'
   - Goa Congress to raise funds for J&K flood relief
   - GPCC chief: No one censored me when I suspended members
   - Luizinho replaces John as Congress state president

Panaji: Outgoing Congress president John Fernandes on Wednesday said there
is a possibility, even circumstantial evidence, that chief minister Manohar
Parrikar colluded with corrupt elements in the Congress to oust him from
the state party president's post.

Fernandes said that Congress recently handed a memorandum to the Goa
governor exposing Parrikar's misdeeds in Goa. The memorandum also
recommended the sacking of Parrikar and if there was no alternative to him,
to have President's rule in Goa. tnn

A copy of the memorandum would be forwarded to Prime Minister Narendra
Modi. Parrikar pressed the panic button due to this and colluded with
corrupt Congress leaders to oust him, Fernandes said.

On Tuesday Fernandes had said that him being replaced as state Congress
president was not a surprise and that the high command was acceding to his
request to be relieved on moral grounds after the Lok Sabha election

Fernandes also hinted at a quid pro quo between Congressmen and Parrikar.
Justifying his statement, Fernandes said the Parrikar government has
recently withdrawn a case that the South Goa collector had filed against
the wife of Luizinho Faleiro (incoming Congress president).

The case was that Faleiro's wife had allegedly tampered with form I & XIV
to remove the names of tenants on Zuzmobor island. To return the favour,
Faleiro had requested former Velim Congress MLA Felipe Neri Rodrigues to
withdraw the case he had filed against BJP organizing secretary Satish
Dhond in the signature forgery case. "This is a case of you scratch my
back, I scratch yours," Fernandes said.

Fernandes said that people are shouting that Parrikar has infiltrated the
Congress legislature party and may even infiltrate the Goa Pradesh Congress
committee. "I urge young Congressmen to stay within the Congress and fight
corruption," Fernandes said.

He said he had done a "wonderful job" as whistle blower and would continue
to do so. Fernandes said he had even used his personal funds to keep the
party going and is now leaving the party with Rs 22lakh as balance and the
party accounts audited.

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