Hey Roland!While I do endorse your views and opinion expressed, I wish to share 
my own experiences being portuguese educated having born much before the 
invasion/liberation of Goa followed by Indian system of Education.The system of 
education in Goa was unique.  The teachers were well qualified and graduated 
with special training in imparting quality education.  The Portuguese 
Government School Teachers had to be trained and qualified professionals.  It 
was not instructions (instrucao) alone but quality education.  Today what we 
have is only the instructions with lack of proper education.  One can well 
recall how the teacher would impart the quality education including how to 
behave in the class, keep the class room clean at all times (civic sense), 
respect the elders, how to cross the roads.  Great importance was given to 
proverbs pasted all around the classroom and students were drilled to ensure 
that they put it into practice. The education was all round.  A student of 
Segundo Grao was equipped to take up the job of a Clerk with efficiency and 
quality service.  Some of today's Graduates from the Colleges cannot even draft 
simple job applications. Priority was given to writing (caligrafia) and 
drawing.  Evaluation was done based on written and oral exams.  Even the 
private tutors were fully equipped to impart quality education to make all 
rounder.  One can write in volumes on the same. Wilson CoelhoMessage: 4
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 11:57:33 -0400
From: "roland.francis" <roland.fran...@ymail.com>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Portuguese education
Message-ID: <iu5p9sql9umrwsrcyjoxreq6.1396366533...@email.android.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

While I absolutely agree with what the WSJ is saying, there is a separation of 
the effect of Portuguese education when you talk about Goa.

Whatever newspapers or VM says, from my own experience I know that ?Portuguese 
education in Goa was of the highest quality. This from an individual (myself) 
who had no connection with any Goa education.

You can fault the Portuguese with not making it easily accessible not only in 
terms of cost but also in terms of social classes but definitely not in terms 
of quality. Not that the British in India were perfect in this respect but they 
were that much better.?

What I am saying is that the British India educated gentleman or professional 
was no better equipped for a good future life than was his Portuguese Goa 

Now coming to modern day Portugal yes, the rate of educated youth is the lowest 
in Europe but that is due as much to the inherently lower value assigned to 
education which in turn was fed by economic opportunity in menial labor 
available to them in the rest of that continent.

In Goa two forces met and blessed the people. The high ideal of education 
inherent in the Goan people and the high quality of education when available. I 
would have liked a third blessing to have come into play - that of easy access 
- but alas for the wishes of mice and men, to twist a famous phrase.

In India today, quality is absolutely lacking except in elite academia and and 
access too is so highly competitive that it is virtually unavailable in many 
urban centers and even more rural outbacks. Suicide is an acceptable risk that 
parents take. That never happened in Portuguese Goa, though it might be not all 
totally fair to compare different ages as VM has done.


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