Third and Final Call for Papers

              The 24th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on
                     Principles of Programming Languages (*)

                 La Sorbonne, Paris, France, January 15-17, 1997

The 24th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL97) is
a forum for discussion of principles, innovations, and accomplishments
in the design, definition, analysis, and implementation of programming
languages and systems. This year the symposium will be held at the
Sorbonne in Paris, France, on January 15-17, 1997, along with focused
technical workshops (see separate announcements).

How to Submit a Paper:

For general information on POPL97, including guidelines for submitting
a paper, see the full call for papers (also available in Postscript format
in English and in French) at  or 

The submission deadline is 5:00 PM EDT, Friday, July 12, 1996.

(*) In cooperation with:
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Commission of the European Communities (DG III: RTD Information Technologies),
Icole des Mines de Paris (CMA),
Icole Normale Supirieure,
Icole Polytechnique,
Intitut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA),

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