Dear everyone, I recently stained some paraffin slides of demineralized
bone with DAPI. The bone (and the calcified cartilage) was so
autofluorescent that the real DAPI signal of the cell nuclei was completely
lost. (either it was autofluorescent, or the DAPI was not washed away
properly and infiltrated the bone matrix).

I read online that it is possible to find a better (more recent)
fluorochrome that emits further away for the autofluorescence emission of
the tissue.

Does anyone have any suggestion of a DNA fluorochrome for bone cells (in
paraffin sessions?). Any other insight? The cells were permealized.

As a control tissue, I used skin, and the protocol worked perfectly, only
the cells were blue, but for the bone of the same animal, everything was
blue. So there is a problem with the bone matrix.

Thank you for your help in advance

All the best

Dr. Alida M. Bailleul
Associate Professor
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences
& Research Associate of Paleontology, Museum of the Rockies, Montana State
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