On Nov 24, 2014, at 4:47 AM, Markus Stenberg <markus.stenb...@iki.fi> wrote:
> Is this actually desired by the operators? At least here (.fi), ISPs seem to 
> consider the reverse pointing to x.customer.y.isp.fi a feature, not a bug, of 
> the current IPv4 deployment and specified same for future IPv6 deployments as 
> well. (At the moment my ISP does not officially support IPv6, but do provide 
> it via 6rd, and I get NXDOMAIN for reverses, but v4 is populated for more or 
> less all ISPs.)

I have heard different things from different operators.   Some are skeptical, 
some definitely want this. So I think we have to just provide a way to do it, 
and let the operators (and their customers) decide whether they care to do it.

Populating the reverse tree with garbage records is a really bad thing to do 
IMHO, although you will hear voices on dnsop disagreeing with this perspective. 
  It's also pretty expensive, particularly if you do dnssec: there is no way to 
generate a static zone for that many IP addresses, so you have to fake up 
records in response to specific queries and then do on-the-fly signing.   Which 
to me sounds like a DoS attack in the making.

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