
On Sep 17, 12:20 am, Jemshid KK <jemshi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 23 August 2011 20:44, Syam Krishnan <sya...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Can you provide references to support this statement.
> Thank you
> Jemshid

Wow! Looks like the wikipedia bug is catching up! No statements
without references!

Here is the link of reference: 
[Computerworld: QuickStudy: Serial vs. Parallel Storage]
Warning: Annoying ad loads first. You may want to skip it.

Basically, the problem is this - Different bits in a single word in a
parallel bus reach its destination at different times. This is due to
difference in lengths of parallel bit lines, component imperfections
etc. So far, this difference was negligible since each word lasted
long enough that all bits got enough time to reach the receiver
before they were latched. But lately, the speeds have gone up so much,
that this differential delay is comparable to the signalling speeds.
In other words, some bits of a parallel word may still be only on its
way, when the clock signal reaches the destination to latch the word.
This causes data word corruption.

Thus in a way, the speeds of a parallel bus hit a wall - after which
the data is corrupted. Asynchronous serial transfer doesn't have this
problem and can be sped up indefinitely (until you hit some other
wall!). I hope that was simple enough!

Gokul Das

"Freedom is the only law". 
"Freedom Unplugged"

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