
We're using PdfSmartCopy to concatenate documents, and one thing that is
becoming a serious problem for us is that imported Font and FontDescriptor
objects are being replicated on page import. Only FontFile stream objects
are cached and re-referenced.

Specifically, we are concatenating several thousand single page documents
that contain only two Base-14 fonts, Helvetica and Helvetica-Bold, with
uniform encoding. After the concat, the font objects are replicated for each
page import resulting in thousands of redundant objects. This, of course,
adds to the size of the output, but that's not our concern - it's what it
does to conversion engines and RIP font-ends on large printers. When you
convert that PDF to PostScript you will typically end up with thousands of
embedded fonts as there is no easy way for the conversion engine to know
that the font definitions have been replicated. In some cases, this is an
absolute killer.

Would it be possible to enhance PdfSmartCopy/PdfWriter such that replicated
Font and FontDescriptor objects reference just the original object as
opposed to being replicated? It seems like this would be a worth while
enhancement that would serve the community well in the long run.

Thanks - Gylfi

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