Hello community

the Ant PMC hasn't been able to keep up with bugs reported for Ivy and IvyDE
for a while now. The number of active committers with the required knowledge
of the code base is getting smaller and we are having a hard time evaluating

We'd like to revive Ivy and IvyDE, but we need your help.

If you are interested in developing Ivy, please step up and let us know. For

- Sign an ICLA (formal requirement) http://www.apache.org/licenses/#clas

- Start providing a patch, either as pull request on the Github mirror or
  as a patch attached to a JIRA issue. We also need people reviewing
  patches already present for existing issues.

- we'll discuss the patches and ask you to join us on the dev

- Please nag us if we seem to be ignoring patches for too long -
  this probably is already the case for existing issues.

Jan Matèrne, on behalf of the Apache Ant community

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