So maybe I should skip this entire module? Is this technology that is even 
relevant today? 
I've been able to cobble together (i.e., wasting ALOT of time) some of the 
samples for LAB-4215: Tiles module but it's taken a lot of perseverance as all 
of the library references are incorrect and needed resolving... AND I had to 
hunt down the commons-digester project ( in 
order to figure out where to find the classes that aren't included in the 
tutorial distribution. If anyone else cares, I could provide the module I built 
to resolve *.rss.* reference errors.

But now I get to the tiles-channel sample, resolve broken dependencies (as per 
necessary), but upon running I get a 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.struts.tiles.ActionComponentServlet

and there are a ton of deprecated class/method references. I'm assuming this 
sample library was written to the Struts 1.0 specification (probably all of the 
other samples in this section as well).

Does anyone have a working package of these samples? I find it impossible to 
believe that others are working through this using NetBeans 6.5 

Passion doesn't even begin to explain the feeling I have at this point.



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