
I haven't worked with "vanilla" jBase on Linux but for Temenos product I 
just extracted the tgz, set up .profile in my home directory and that's all.

Ah, I had to create a link to a library (that was Ubuntu and jBase5):

error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.6 etc..

==> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8 /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.6

same with libssl.so.6

I also had to install open ksh (sudo apt-get install ksh) - there was some 
problem with compiling and I got the hint right in this group... This was 6 
years ago...

You might also need to  set up user rights to files (chmod).

Good luck!


On Friday, 8 July 2016 02:59:03 UTC+2, Dave Grenfell wrote:

> Hi All:
> I am now in my 74th year and just recently got up the nerve to install 
> linux on one of my old  computers.
> Up until now, every version I tried was so slow at screen refreshing etc, 
> I just gave up.  Today I discovered LINUX MINT  17.3.  I perceive it to be 
> as fast as windows 10 on an old ACER desk top, with 2 gb memory, about 60gb 
> HD.  The only problem I had was that it would not display the desktop 
> correctly  that came with the installation, but a little digging and I was 
> able to install another desktop and VOILA.  No more nags from M$ to upgrade 
> to win 10.
> NOW, for the jbase question.  How much trouble is it to install on LINUX. 
>  I'm feeling lucky and would like to try it.  I think I actually have a 
> linux version on on cd 3.x.x
> Dave

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