Re: Performance issue of blue ocean with large job count

2016-08-10 Thread James Dumay
John, are you describing an issue for matrix jobs? We are tracking something like this in JENKINS-37104 On Fri, Aug 5, 2016 at 11:03 AM John D. Ament wrote: > Every module of every job gets included. At a minimum only

Re: Git Polling fails after upgrade

2016-08-10 Thread Tecno Brain
I am getting a similar problem: I get this error: SEVERE: found cycle in plugin dependencies: (root=Plugin:git, deactivating all involved) Plugin:git -> Plugin:workflow-scm-step -> Plugin:git Followed by several exceptions. How do I revert to the previous versions or upgrade to the

Re: Error in setting Jenkins

2016-08-10 Thread Indra Gunawan (ingunawa)
1.) You need to download maven binaries and extract to the a partition on your slave or master if you're build on master. 2.) Next, go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure System and look up Maven -> Maven Installations... 3.) You specify the maven you just downloaded or you can select to install

Error in setting Jenkins

2016-08-10 Thread Marcos Oliveira
Good evening, I'm trying to set up Jenkins in Ubuntu, is showing a message "Building in workspace / var / lib / jenkins / workspace / teste01 ERROR: The Maven installation needs to be available for this project to be built.Either your server has the Maven installations defined, or the requested

Re: All Jenkins Pipeline jobs suddenly failed due to script security

2016-08-10 Thread danbuffer
I forgot to mention I'm running Jenkins v2.12, Pipeline v2.2, and Script Security Plugin v1.20. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

Re: Run pipeline flyweight executors off of master

2016-08-10 Thread Kevin Phillips
In my opinion, even more problematic than possibly running unsafe code in a flyweight executor on the master is the fact that these flyweight pipeline threads perform a full checkout of the target repository - at least when using Git as the SCM. So if one has a relatively large code repository

Latest version of Chrome 52.0.2743.116 fails to launch under Jenkins 2.7.2

2016-08-10 Thread Kevin MacDonald
I am running Jenkins v2.7.2 on Windows Server 2008 R2. Upon Chrome updating to this latest version, Watir now fails to launch Chrome properly. Chrome comes up under the System account and sits with a black screen. I also tried directing Selenium to use Chrome Canary. No luck. I am doing

Jenkins Pipeline @script directory creation

2016-08-10 Thread Jared Kauppila
Hello, We are currently running Jenkins 2.7.2 and have a pipeline job defined that utilizes the 'Pipeline script from SCM' SVN repo at the very start, as a result, we get the following folders upon execution: - Dev_Pipeline - Dev_Pipeline@script - Dev_Pipeline@tmp When we kick off

Groovy code to access full path to a job, ie "Org/Project/branch" name

2016-08-10 Thread Greg Smith
Hi, I am using a groovy script to walk through all jobs, and find the multibranch jobs in a github project. I want to get the full path name to the job, and I'm having problems figuring out what property to pull, even though I can see that the object knows its full path. Here's what I mean

All Jenkins Pipeline jobs suddenly failed due to script security

2016-08-10 Thread danbuffer
I'm going to provide a simplified description about a problem which caused all the jobs on a Jenkins instance to fail. Let me know where I can include more detail to help uncover the root problem. We have a Jenkins instance with the Pipeline plugin installed. There are a dozen jobs all

How to connect ARA (Application Release Automation) from Jenkins

2016-08-10 Thread Satyajeet Padmanabhi
Hi, I want to integrate Jenkins with ARA (Application Release Automation) and trigger a build from Jenkins. For this I want to know which plugin we can use to integrate Jenkins with Automic. Any help would be appreciated. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: regarding jenkins CD in jenkins 2.0

2016-08-10 Thread suresh kumar
Hi Jesse McCormick, Every time when deploying done manually updating the Jobs with sql scripts is not suggestible as this doesn't give full automation. As much as possible we have to eliminate manual tasks while achieving continuous deployment. -Suresh On Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at 8:55:33

RE: CAS plugin with Jenkins 2

2016-08-10 Thread Matthew.Webber
I use the CAS plugin v1.2.0 using CAS protocol 2.0, and Jenkins 2.17. We have not had any CAS-related issues (never, I think). However, we run our Jenkins on http (not https), using the embedded web server (Jetty?), and not in a container like Tomcat. Did you have this working, and then it

CAS plugin with Jenkins 2

2016-08-10 Thread cma
I'm having troubles with the CAS plugin. The plugin will redirect me to my CAS server. When I authenticate on the CAS server, I get redirected to jenkins. Now I should be logged in, but I'm not. I get redirected to

Re: Copy artifact plugin with maven multi module project

2016-08-10 Thread Matt Wilson
Hey Jeff, Did you ever figure this out? I'm running into a very similar issue. I've got a maven build that has a zip file artifacted. The zip file wasn't part of any maven build, it was created post build. Jenkins artifacts it no problem, but my downstream build refuses to find the

Re: Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Script and JSON

2016-08-10 Thread Sami Jaber
Salut Baptiste ! Nothing appears under approval page, the textarea is always empty. To bad that there is no "sandbox approved" for such task. Sami Le 10 août 2016 2:17 PM, "Baptiste Mathus" a écrit : > Salut Sami :) > > Cannot check it right now, but did you have a look under

Re: Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Script and JSON

2016-08-10 Thread Baptiste Mathus
Salut Sami :) Cannot check it right now, but did you have a look under the /scriptApproval page? Though I seem to remember the 'unclassified' ones sometimes don't appear there. If you can see it, you have to approve it. This is a security measure to not give access to the whole Jenkins

Docker Plugin: How do container agents get provisioned?

2016-08-10 Thread mail
Hello, I was wondering, how new container agents get provisioned by the Docker Plugin. Scenario: - I have 3 Jobs. Each of them do nothing but "sleep 500" (so that those Jobs run for a longer time). - Count of executors on master node is set to 0. - 1 connected (non-Docker) Agent with 1

Re: Load Script Approval from another Jenkins instance

2016-08-10 Thread Sverre Moe
It looks like it worked. I copied the scriptApproval.xml over to the production Jenkins and I found the approved methods listed there. Will know for sure if it works when I start my first production build. I just added a few lines of new code and tried it out on my test Jenkins. I had to

Multibranch pipeline: serializing builds for the same branch

2016-08-10 Thread Alan Franzoni
Hello, we're beginning to use Jenkins' pipelines, and we especially like the multibranch pipeline. Currently our Jenkinsfile is minimal: stage 'Build' node { catchError { checkout scm sh 'make clean test' } step([$class: 'Mailer', notifyEveryUnstableBuild: false, recipients:

Re: Jenkinsfile Pipeline Language Complete Reference

2016-08-10 Thread Alan Franzoni
On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 1:59 PM, David Karlsen wrote: > https://yourJenkinsHost/workflow-cps-snippetizer/dslReference contains Hello, sorry to resume this old thread; such URL doesn't seem to work anymore on recent jenkins installations (2.7.2 with all the updated

Restart after pipeline plugin update failes (broken symlinks)

2016-08-10 Thread zouroboros
Hi everyone, whenever I update the pipeline plugins I get the following error message when restarting Jenkins: hudson.util.HudsonFailedToLoad: org.jvnet.hudson.reactor.ReactorException: java.lang.Error: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at

Jenkins Pipeline Groovy Script and JSON

2016-08-10 Thread Sami Jaber
Hi all, Is there any way to parse JSON string in the Jenkinsfile groovy script to meet Jenkins security requirements and avoid the famous exception => org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.RejectedAccessException: unclassified method groovy.json.JsonSlurper parse java.lang.String Just

Re: linux slave won't connect

2016-08-10 Thread 'Brian' via Jenkins Users
There is no ip conflict and each vm has it's own dedicated ethernet port/mac -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

linux slave won't connect

2016-08-10 Thread Gergely Brautigam
Have you tried restarting it? Is there an ip collision? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Jenkins Users" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to To view

Re: Aggregating Downstream test results - Not working though everything is setup fine

2016-08-10 Thread Gergely Brautigam
Hi Alok! The clue is this part: "What I did wrong was that, in the upstream job I waited for the downstreams to finish. And that was wrong!" This means that your jobs aren't finishing before that. It needs to be a fire and forget, because, as you said, the post build action must run. Now,