Using z-index seems like the way to go. If you show us the code that didn't
work, maybe we can help you figure out why it didn't.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:17 PM, osu <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Just wondering what the best way to cycle (fade in and out) background
> images is? I´ve got to create a homepage with a navigation and nothing
> else but background images fading in and out behind it.
> I was going to use the Cycle plugin for Jquery, but it means I need to
> create a div with images in it and I can´t seem to keep them in the
> background only (i.e. the z-index doesn't work).
> Any ideas of how to keep the images only in the backgroun/stop them
> obscuring other elements on the page?
> Thanks
> osu

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