Re: JSP 1.1 -- _jspCleanup()???

1999-09-27 Thread Michael Hu
including releasePageContext. Like in C, use goto's with caution! -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST". FAQs on JSP ca

Re: JSP 1.1 -- _jspCleanup()???

1999-09-27 Thread Michael Hu
not for parent tags to clean up after any arbitrary children it may have (which is definitely non-trivial). -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff J

Re: Jsp Session variables

1999-09-20 Thread Michael Hu
); // will print "whatever" if you are in the same session % -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST". FAQs on

Re: Referencing this in JSP

1999-09-16 Thread Michael Hu
P page (ie: this). %! public void methodDecl(){} // declare a class method % % page.methodDecl(); // this.methodDecl(); // and methodDecl(); // are equivalent. % -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe: mai

Re: Referencing this in JSP

1999-09-16 Thread Michael Hu
Olivier Brand wrote: Michael, the problem is that I am using JSP0.92 :-( Then just use the keyword this. % out.print(this); // will give you the hashcode representation of the generated servlet // which is equivalent in JSP 1.0 to out.print(page); % -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel

Re: Problem with Jsp-Include Directive

1999-09-15 Thread Michael Hu
this i get an error. is there a way to do it ? please HELP. The only way to have variable attributes in tags is to use %= % which resolves on runtime. Try: jsp:include page="%= strpath + "xxx.jsp %"/. Note: this will not work for @include because jsp directives are processed before

Re: Diff between @ and !--

1999-09-07 Thread Michael Hu
SP comment, and is completely ignored by the JSP engine and is not sent to the response page; hence, the user will never see it, even if the page's source is "viewed." %= is equivalent to out.print(). Therefore %== % translates to out.print(=) which will give a JSP compiler error. -- Mich

Re: Proposal for standardized tags

1999-09-03 Thread Michael Hu
ested in them. This argument is analogous to Java packages: core APIs are in the java package, like java.lang while specialized APIs are in the javax package, like javax.sql. You can ignore javax functionality if you do not need it; similarly, you can ignore database: tags if you a

Re: Setting and Reading Cookies in JSP

1999-09-03 Thread Michael Hu
of the reasons why cookies are generally preferred over rewriting), or notify your JSP/servlet vendor of a possible implementation bug. -- Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: hellouser variation: is it possible??

1999-09-02 Thread Michael Hu
You must specify a jsp:useBean before you use jsp:getProperty or jsp:setProperty, (or suffer the compile error you are currently getting). So try: html body jsp:useBean id="myNameHandler" scope="request" class="myForm.NameHandler"/ Hello, jsp:getPro

Re: Again, redistribution

1999-08-27 Thread Michael Hu
ns with Apache to redistribute the jswdk (aka: "Tomcat") under the Apache license, which is considerably more generous. The timeline for this handover is "real soon now", but it has been "real soon now" for quite

Re: Long process

1999-08-17 Thread Michael Hu
is jsp:include, which behaves like a function call and returns as expected. Michael Hu, Paradox Team, Corel Corporation === To unsubscribe, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and include in the body of the message "signof