Hi list,

since this my first port on this list, I've to share some info first:

I'm a maintainer in the LFS (Linux From Scratch) project and one part
for me is to maintain the Kea page.  The page shows how Kea could be
built, installed and configured in a LFS environment. The setup is
very very basic compared to all the capabilities of Kea, but hopefully
we give a valid starting point.
Actually, i don't have a big high volume environment to test all the
capabilities, just my own LAN with a few machines participating. One
box runs bind and kea. Other two are LFS test machines and the have
their arch name (i686, x86_64 provided by 'uname -m') in their names -
just to make it simple - something like
echo "lfs-$(uname -m).$domain" > /etc/hostname

That works pretty fine so far, and i know that the underscore (the one
in x86_64) is not a valid char in hostnames. Now, using Kea as DHCP
server, i found out that i have to use the "hostname-char-set" option
to enable this and get correct host names set via DDNS. While doing a
few tries with a host named "lfs-x86_64.<my-local-domain>", i found
out that

using the default (or not specifying hostname-char-set" at all), the
hostname gets modified to
"hostname-char-set": "[^A-Za-z0-9.-]"  -->  "lfs-x8664.<my-local-

I added the underscore simply at end of the default regex
"hostname-char-set": "[^A-Za-z0-9.-_]"  -->   "lfsx86_64.<my-local-

When i move the dash back to the end of the expr, it works
"hostname-char-set": "[^A-Za-z0-9._-]"  -->   "lfs-x86_64.<my-local-

The dash seems to be interpreted as a regex syntax char when it is
surrounded by non-syntax chars. So it looks like that in the second
example, the part ".-_" is interpreted as "range from dot to
underscore", like "A-Z" meaning "range from A to Z". I'm struggeling a
bit finding the logic behind this as the dot is a regex syntax char
too, usually matching any char, but it seems it is always interpreted
as a real dot, not so the dash.

My questions are:

* how is the regex of hostname-char-set interpreted, especially in
regards to the syntax chars dot (which is alwasy seen as a dot) and
dash (which may sometimes interpreted as a range)

* is "hostname-char-set":"" meant to switch off char replacements at
all? Or is it same as not specifying the option at all with which the
default expr of "[^A-Za-z0-9.-]" is used?

I find the docs do not specify enough to answer the Q's above. If i
have overlooked something in the documentation, i blame myself.

Ah, i should also mention: It is Kea-2.6.0, Bind-9.18.27 .

Thanks for some pointers!



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