Those California fires are Terrible. Will they never end?
Nice story last night on TV of a couple going back to their burned out home
– with nothing left but their Dog was still alive and at the ashes of the
house.   Amazing.
We had a “Black Saturday” of terrible fires a few years ago when we lost
78 lives not far out of Melbourne, so we understand ......! A small holiday
town was burned out last summer along the surf coast to the south west of
Melbourne, so we  struggle with fires every year.
Gosh!  You people over in USA cannot win a trick right now – with cyclones,
and now fires.

I hope all lacemakers and their families are safe and well.   Know we are
thinking of you all.

I am now back home, after a great week at the Australian AGM week held this
year (and the next 2 years) in Launceston, Tasmania.  Organization was
Excellent as was the Hotel, and the way they looked after us all. A very
pretty old-world town , plenty of shops within walking distance, Excellent
company, and lots of Fun!!!   Too much good food – as usual at Lace
happenings!!!!! – and lots of happy memories.

Regards from Liz.  In Melbourne, Oz.

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