Some of you may remember the late Gabrielle Pond, who had vast Lace knowledge,
and a wonderful collection of lace.

I usually wear lace at Lace Days – but one time I did not – and, as
usual, I went to say Hello to Gabrielle Pond, who lived in Melbourne and
always came to our Lace Days. I always spoke to her. She was a lovely lady, so
generous with her knowledge, and it was always nice to chat with her. Anyway,
this one time she looked me up and down, in the way only ‘Upper class
English’ can do. She said, “I did not recognise you. You are not wearing
any lace!” Well, that was a Big reprimand! Next Lace Day, I draped myself
in heaps of lace, went to speak to her, and again I got the up and down look,
then a glimmer of a smile, and “I recognise you today, Liz. You are wearing
some lace!”   Everyone had a good laugh.  Now I try to always wear lace
at a Lace Day - well, she might be looking down at us!!
I like wearing lace. I made it, and like to Flaunt it!!  I have been known to
wear little doilies folded, and pinned to a neckline. I was told I had such a
pretty jabot, one time – it was 3 little doilies folded, and pinned down the
front of a blouse, each one overlapping the lower one so it looked like a

I have a hankie ‘falling‘ out of a pocket of a jacket. It is always
safety-pinned on the inside of the pocket, so it can not go missing. I have
not tried that on an outside purse pocket meant for a cell phone, as a
friend does,  though that is a good idea.
I have 3 prs of Needlelace Earrings that I wear. Must make some tatted ones,

Regards from Liz.

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