I wrote:

...However the e-mail forwarding is more problematical*. Anyone
communicating with the Hollies and finding email bouncing later this
month should try using a laceguild.demon.co.uk address instead of a
laceguild.org address. If there is a problem I'll post details in the
'Stop Press' section of the website.

Problem hit quicker than I thought and email to the laceguild.org address is *not bouncing* but disappearing into a black hole. The 'recipient at laceguild.demon.co.uk' address is ok though. If you have sent any messages The Lace Guild and had no reply, please resend with that address. The problem will not be fixed until Monday at the earliest.

Lace Guild home page: http://www.laceguild.org
(alternative if problems: http://www.laceguild.demon.co.uk/)

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unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

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