Thomas Morley wrote:
> or to move the NoteColumn of the target note
> {
> c'4 \glissando
> \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = 1
> des'
> }
Thank you so much Harm, this one did exactly what i needed.
lilypond-user mailing list
2017-10-08 22:42 GMT+02:00 Pieter Terpstra :
> Dear readers,
> Google did not gave me an answer to this so i ask it here.
> Is there a way to change the positions of a sharp?
> P.e. to prevent overlapping with a glissando and when the sharp is completely
> in the way the glissando does not even
Dear readers,
Google did not gave me an answer to this so i ask it here.
Is there a way to change the positions of a sharp?
P.e. to prevent overlapping with a glissando and when the sharp is completely
in the way the glissando does not even
get printed.
Apologies for my bad English.
Most Kindly
yes that is exactly what i was seeking todo. Thank you!
On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 11:48 AM, Ben wrote:
> On 10/8/2017 2:33 PM, Ryan Michael wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying my 8va to be above the rest of markup (which includes a
> \markup and a fermata). Currently it is below the fermata and t
On 10/8/2017 2:33 PM, Ryan Michael wrote:
I am trying my 8va to be above the rest of markup (which includes a
\markup and a fermata). Currently it is below the fermata and the
\markup but i would like it to go above each of those items.
Here is what causes it:
\version "2.1
I am trying my 8va to be above the rest of markup (which includes a \markup
and a fermata). Currently it is below the fermata and the \markup but i
would like it to go above each of those items.
Here is what causes it:
\version "2.18.2"
up = \new Staff = "up"
\ottava # 1
Am 08.10.2017 um 09:05 schrieb Jacques Menu Muzhic:
Hello Craig,
You can create a script (text) file like this one, make it executable
and accessible in your PATH:
I don’t know Mac but I assume that it can be done *MUCH* easier:
lilypond -dno-point-and-click *.ly
_ writes:
> Hi,
> the following example shows three bars with should all show the eighth
> notes as in bar 1 with kneed beams. But I could not get it working in
> single staff polyphony environment (bar 2 and 3), neither automatically
> nor manually. Can someone give me a
"Maxime's Music" writes:
> Hi Lilyponders,
> I'm trying to run lilypond from the terminal (Mac OS 10.13) but I must be
> doing something wrong.
So what are you doing, and what is the response?
> What do I need to type to get lilypond to engrave all files in a folder
> (wihout the point-and-cl
Hello Craig,
You can create a script (text) file like this one, make it executable and
accessible in your PATH:
user@lilydev: ~/bin > cat CompileAllLilyPondFiles
USAGE="==> Usage: $0 sourceFolder destFolder"
if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then
echo "$USAGE"
10 matches
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