Hi everybody

I am really tired of the bad tools at Berlios for managing bugs and planning, so
i summarise my point of vue and proposal and expect *all* readers to answer
(that will show how few/many we are currently).

- impossible to send files (eg pictures)
- bug tracking without roadmap
- ugly look
- BTS in reverse order (the answer is above the question)

        A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
        Q: Why is it such a bad thing?
        A: Top-posting.
        Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail and Berlios 

I had a look at mantisBT on berlios, but i dont like it:
- it is not linked to the other tools : 
 One need to log in mantis too, even if one is ssh-connected at berlios. 
 It is exactly the same as if we had put the bug tracker on another site (eg 
sourceforge or fedorahosted)

- no pretty url : one must chose the project name in a box

- absolutely zero support or responsiveness :
 i asked the folowing several *years* ago, at the start of mantisBT on Berlios,
 and they are not even acknowledge by someone


So i have no  hope that berlios will improve soon wrt to this (as they added 
MantisBT which is
really not to my taste), and i really think better tools could boost Lincity-NG 
development again,
and maybe attract other people.

Avery White 's project awoke me, and i consider it is the good timing for 
improving the site
and several parts of the doc/code.

Proposal :
- move to Fedorahosted (i prefer fedorahosted rather than sourceforge, because 
it is visually simpler and nicer, and
 they are very responsive via IRC)
- trac with milestone : 2.1, TODO, Whislist and maybe more.
- move all confirmed bugs, and drop others.
- pick whishes from our wikimedia and open corresponding tickets
- consider moving to git : 
        - Avery's project should be in a branch, but svn branch and merge is 
not as convenient as git.

And we just keep current well known  mailing list, wikimedia, and download url.

Please guys, answer and share your opinion on this, or what to do to improve 

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