Mark your calendars! In celebration of Earth Day, please join the Lincoln
Public School scholars on *Saturday April 30th at 90 Windsor Street, Boston
02120 from 11am-1pm*, to mulch trees, pot flowers to share and learn about
Dr. Melnea Agnes Cass “First Lady of Roxbury” a civil rights activist and
community organizer. Yvonne Lalyre leads us in an opportunity to learn
about Dr. Cass and mulch area trees. All are wanted and welcome, please
bring your families and join together as a community to help support
Boston’s green canopy. As Dr. Cass herself said to a crowd in 1965 “If you
can’t do great things, do small things in a great way”. Help us do a small
thing for Boston’s green canopy in a great way Saturday April 30th. Please
email with questions.

Check out this amazing video of Yvonne Lalyre discussing community lead
efforts to save Melnea Cass Boulevard trees.

The LincFam has created this event in joyful collaboration with:
Yvonne Lalyre of Friends of Melnea Cass Blvd

LPTO (Lincoln Parent Teacher Organization)
MCC (Lincoln METCO Coordinating Committee)
Special thanks to The Food Project for their kind contribution of mulch.
CSA shares now available, seedling sale opened on 4/19/2022 online.
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