Interfaith Series on Life after Death 
What happens after we die? How do different religions understand the 
possibility of life after death? St. Anne’s invites the wider community to a 
lecture series on this crucially important topic by three local religious 
leaders from Jewish, Muslim, and Christian backgrounds. Informed by their 
respective faith traditions, each leader will speak on how their faith 
understands the afterlife, including the texts, traditions, and experiences 
which shape their understanding. 
The schedule of speakers is:
Tuesday, 5/7: Rev. Stephanie Bradbury (Episcopal priest and 
near-death-experience retreat leader)Tuesday, 5/14: Rabbi Judith Kummer 
(board-certified Jewish chaplain)Saturday, 5/18: Dr. Mohamed Lazzouni (national 
interfaith leader & adjunct professor at Boston Islamic Seminary)
All events will take place at 7-8:30pm in Flint Hall at St Anne's (147 Concord 
Road in Lincoln, MA). For questions or more information, please email Rev. Joe 
Kimmel ( All are welcome! 
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