from Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent Becky McFall:
Welcome to the 2022 – 2023 School Year!

It was a soggy start yesterday morning but the heavy rains weren’t enough to 
dampen the spirits of our students and staff who showed up eager and excited to 
begin the school year.  We are looking forward to a fantastic school year 
ahead.  The Lincoln School construction project is drawing to a close, and it 
was amazing to welcome our preschool and K-4 students into the school for the 
first time.  It was so much fun to greet students and see their eyes widen as 
they entered the Learning Commons space.  Several students expressed surprise 
that the school looked like a totally different and new school even though the 
footprint remained the same.  For me, it is an incredible feeling to see the 
last of our schools renovated/rebuilt.  This is the start of my eleventh year 
as the Superintendent of the Lincoln Public Schools, and I am thrilled to be 
able to say that over the last ten years we have accomplished the goal of 
providing innovative 21st Century Schools for all of our students.

 We can’t wait to show off the school and all that it has to offer.  There will 
be an official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on the afternoon of Friday, October 
28th, and the school will be open for tours that evening and on Saturday, 
October 29th.  More information will be provided. 
This year we are pleased to return to pre-pandemic conditions in our schools.  
While we know that COVID is not gone and we must remain diligent in reducing 
the risk of viral transmission among our students and staff, it feels great to 
be able to open up our schools to families and visitors again.  At this time, 
there are no restrictions on school activities including field trips, concerts 
and plays, and enrichment opportunities within our schools.  The Lincoln Board 
of Health encourages the wearing of masks as a primary way to mitigate the 
contraction of COVID-19.  Masks are recommended but not required in our 
schools, and everyone should feel free to choose to wear a mask at any time 
without experiencing negative repercussions from other members of our 

Vaccination is highly recommended for all eligible students.  All Lincoln 
Public Schools employees are required to be vaccinated.  With a new bivalent 
vaccine being made available soon, I will be working with the Lincoln Board of 
Health and our employee associations to update our vaccine mandate.  More 
information will be provided to employees soon.  Once the new vaccines are 
available, the Town of Lincoln and the LPS School District will offer 
vaccination clinics for students and employees.
COVID-19 is not the only virus that we need to be concerned about.  Everyone is 
strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against influenza.  Please mark your 
calendar to get your flu shot. 

All the Best,

Susan Hands Taylor

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