Hello Lincolntalk,

What a special treat it was today for our Lincoln community to have a free
Gospel concert given by Joyful Voices of Joy, led by none other than the
fabulous Donnell Patterson !!!  There’s almost nothing like praise music to
give you faith when yours was waning, or if you don’t know you need it, perhaps
you haven't witnessed the inimitable Donnell!

And, who doesn’t want another dose of Donnell?

Here’s another opportunity to catch the experience at the upcoming Mystic
Chorale Gospel concert at Cary Hall in Lexington on Saturday February 26!!

Our theme is “Simply Amazing” and it truly is!  It will lift your spirits
right up and out of the winter doldrums!

See All info below.

Don’t wait to buy tickets as we usually sell out!

 *~Jai Anna*

Don't miss "Simply Amazing" directed by Donnell Patterson

*One performance only!*


*Simply Amazing!*

*led by Donnell Patterson*

*Saturday, February 25, 7:30pm*

*Cary Hall, 1605 Mass Ave, Lexington, MA*

*Mystic Chorale sings Gospel!*

Mystic Chorale presents Simply Amazing, on February 25th at Cary Hall, 1605
Mass Ave, Lexington… a concert that promises to live up to its title! Led
by the fabulous Donnell Patterson, 150­ singers will be joined by featured
soloist, Christine DeVaughn, and musicians, Adonis Martin (keys), Domenic
Davis (bass), and Jamaal Shoffner (drums) in a spirit-filled performance
that will lift you up, stir your soul, and warm your heart!


The concert theme highlights the incredible pandemic hurdles we all have
amazingly endured; the hopefulness in Gospel music that transcends
boundaries of race and ideology in amazing ways; and the family, friends
and loved ones in our lives that who amaze us with their grace. The program
includes twelve Gospel gems representing traditional and contemporary
gospel, such as the world-renowned and beloved hymn Amazing Grace, Deniece
Williams’ God is Amazing, and gospel’s trailblazer Hezekiah Walker’s
Amazing. The audience will be singing along to the rousing Good God and I
Command My Soul.

*Enjoy the power and joy either in person or via livestream. Simply Amazing
is a concert you don't want to miss! *


*Please note our Covid protocols:*

Audience members must be fully vaccinated and wear a mask covering your
nose and mouth during the concert. Please bring your proof of vaccination.

*Purchase In-Person Tickets*

*Purchase Livestream Tickets*

Please order your livestream tickets in advance, so we have time to get you
the link to watch the show. Livestream tickets purchsed on the day of the
show are difficult for our team to keep up with. Thanks!

**Free Tickets available for volunteers!*

*please email **volunt...@mysticchorale.org* <volunt...@mysticchorale.org>*
for details*

More info: www.mysticchorale.org

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Mystic Chorale | Mystic Chorale, 1337 Massachusetts Ave, Box 161,
Arlington, MA 02476

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