The Lincoln School Committee welcomes you to the 2022-2023 school year. We hope 
all of your children had a great first few days. 

We also hope that you can join us for our first School Committee meeting of the 
school year tomorrow (September 8th) at 6pm via our Zoom live-stream 
 The meeting will also be recorded for future broadcast on local access 
television and at the Lincoln TV website 
 Lincoln TV is also tentatively planning to broadcast live on Comcast Channel 8 
and Verizon Channel 33.

This year, the School Committee is focused on setting the District and future 
School Committees up for long-term success. Our key goals include: supporting 
the roll-out of the Portrait of a Learner and the continued work to become an 
anti-racist district; working with the administration to develop metrics for 
how the School Committee will measure the district’s progress across academics, 
social emotional learning, and a sense of belonging;  and reviewing and 
updating School Committee policies. We also look forward to working with the 
Lincoln Educators Association on their upcoming contract renewal. 

We are all looking forward to a productive and enjoyable year of in-person 
learning in our state-of-the-art buildings. Although we recognize that there 
are many challenges ahead, we are confident that this school year will not have 
the obstacles presented over the last two years due to COVID and building 

We wish you and your family an exciting and fulfilling school year.

On behalf of the School Committee,

John MacLachlan, chair

Susan Hands Taylor

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