Hi Chris

On 2015-01-08 at 17:38:07 +0100, Chris McClimans <ch...@hippiehacker.org> wrote:
> I found your email in the commits for gadget_hid.txt and thought one of you
> might might be able to point me in the right direction. I'm trying to get
> the g_hid module working with the Intel Edison.

Please don't send such e-mails to people in private, this is considered
quite rude by some. Rather send the e-mail to the respective mailing
list (linux-usb@vger.kernel.org in your case). That way the person
considering herself proficient on the subject can answer. Additionally
the possible solution for the problem will be archived in the mailin
list's archive, such that other people having the same problem in the
future might get their answer directly from there.

As for myself, I only did some minor edits to the documentation file and
haven't worked with g_hid in a while.

> I tried just compiling intel's patch(1) to 3.10.17
> with CONFIG_USB_GADGETFS=m CONFIG_USB_G_HID=m but I get an error trying to
> load the module:
> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'g_hid': No such device
> According to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/usb/gadget_hid.txt:
>         g_hid is a platform driver, so to use it you need to add
>       struct platform_device(s) to your platform code defining the
>       HID function descriptors you want to use
> It's not clear to me what part of the platform code I should be adding, but
> I assume it's something under:
> https://github.com/instantinfrastructure/linux-yocto-3.10/tree/edison/arch/x86/platform/intel-mid

The documentation file already contains the respective code. Did you try
adding that to the appropriate place for your platform? You might want
to ask on a list specifc to the platform for where that would be.
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