
Phil, here are the Timestamp & datatime datatype requirement:

- Timestamp: contains day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
- Datetime: contains day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds

I have already modified the TimestampDataIslandFormat to work with the backend but it would need to be modified in the struts front end and jsp. The DatetimeDataIslandFormat would need to be re-written (inspired on the TimestampDataIslandFormat. The struts forms & jsps would also need to be modified.

Once this is done, it would be important to:

- Add those 2 datatypes to totaltest
- Add the 2 datatypes to starttemplates/uml/startTemplate.zuml (I want the startTemplate to contain only the supported datatypes)
- Add the 2 datatypes to starttemplates/uml/partialModels/primitives.zuml

Thanks a lot,


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