Hello everyone!

I need some advice... I am currently stuck on MediaWiki 1.39.2 and can't upgrade to newer versions within this LTS release.

I am using PluggableAuth and SimpleSAMLphp to authenticate users to our wikis. Starting with MW 1.39.3, these extensions were updated to newer versions (7.0.0) that don't work any more, at least with PostgreSQL as database (see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T348543). I am still using MW 1.39.2 with versions 6.2 of PluggableAuth and 5.0.1 of SimpleSAMLphp.

I would like to combine MW 1.39.6 with the older versions of the extensions, but here


only the newer ones are available.

I have tried to use composer (with which I have zero knowledge and IMHO the documentation is ... challenging), and I was able to install MediaWiki itself and PluggableAuth via composer, but not SimpleSAMLphp. This extensions seems to be completely unknown to composer.

Switching from PostgreSQL to MySQL is a last resort. The migration does not seem to be straight forward at all, and it is even unclear if it would solve my problem in the first place.

Any ideas how to move forward are welcome!

Maybe what I really would like to ask for is: Don't make major updates to (essential) extensions within an LTS release of MediaWiki, please coordinate them with major updates of MediaWiki core.


Jörn Clausen
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