On 15 Mar, Ken Pooley wrote:
> I thought I understood the Repligard dingus to be something to migrate 
> 1.2.5 and earlier midgard DBs to a new format for 1.4......having read the 
> latest MWS I am not so sure, can somebody summarize it real quick?

Repligard should make migration between Midgard releases
a lot easier than it is now. But it is also does more,
offering capabilities like replication of sites between
hosts and packaging of Midgard applications.

The format Repligard deals with is a simple XML format
that is used to describe contents of part of the Midgard
database (for example, a host or a topic tree).

These XML files can then be transferred between different
Midgard sites (for example, if you have a mirror site or
want to move data easily between a development server and
a production server), and also version controlled using
standard tools like CVS.

I'd imagine that once the two-way replication is in
place you'll start seeing a lot of ready-made Midgard
applications become available. Of course, we're still 
some way from that point.

> kp


-- Henri Bergius -- +358 40 525 1334 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

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