Thanks to every one who helped with installing mgd on
LinuxPPC, it works great ( but how would i really know other
wise, yet ) which is why i have been playing madly with it
(midgard, that is) ... and not yet lived up to my document
promise, but it seems things have been movivng a long also.

(I guess this must sound like a broke record by now...) 
I do have some quick questions

To dup (eg like you may dup an existing vhost as a start for
new one in apache) a whole host or|and style, are there
functions for this or should repligard do it, if so could
the single-way version work or do or is 2 way required. (is
save for one way). Is there a list or demo of the fuctions
that it provides?

Thanks again for all the help.

Cheers carl

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