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Data Protection and
Freedom of Information
for Schools



An essential half day legal briefing for
for schools in the South East Ofsted Region



Oxford University Begbroke Science Park
16 March 2010--- 1:30pm - 5:00pm (registration from 1:00pm)

“This briefing will demystify data protection, freedom of information,
disclosure of pupil records, the very latest guidance on school data
security,CCTV, privacy rights of teachers, pupils and governors, pupil
biometrics, criminal offences for non-compliance and much
more ....”


If you are a teacher, governor or other education professional it is
crucial that you understand
how the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Freedom of Information Act 2000
affects what you
do. Both Acts place legal obligations upon schools to protect and allow
access to information.
These obligations cannot be passed on to the LEA. Non - compliance can
lead to
enforcement action, adverse publicity and even criminal proceedings.
This practical and enjoyable half day briefi ng will give you an action
plan for compliance.

Who Should Attend?
Head Teachers, Deputy Heads, Governors, Senior Teachers, Early Years
Data Protection Managers, Education Professionals & Administrators.

Who is the presenter?
One of the UK’s leading data protection lawyers who regularly advises &
trains schools and LEA’s.
Read full biography here

Schools face these situations on a daily basis.
What would you do?









School laptops & memory sticks containing pupil data have been stolen. Do
you tell parents,
Audit and the Information Commissioner or keep silent?
The local newspaper asks if you have implemented the latest government
guidance on
keeping pupil data safe and secure. Do you know what this guidance says
you should
now be doing?
An unsuccessful job applicant demands to see a copy of the Interview
Panel’s notes
Police are investigating a pupil suspected of vandalism and ask for
evidence that he was in
class at the time the alleged vandalism took place. Do you co-operate? If
you do, do you tell
the pupil’s parents that you have disclosed this information to the
Solicitors acting for a man accused of abusing a pupil insist that they
have a legal right of
access to the pupil’s education records. The record contains information
that the pupil is
prone to lying.
A local journalist asks to take photographs of pupils for a press article
Parents involved in a Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
ask for access to
a teacher’s disciplinary record and qualifications
Parents request to see notes from a “Confi dential” Governors meeting
A rival photocopier company makes a Freedom of Information request to see
the school’s
existing contract with another photocopier company
Can you install CCTV in the toilets to catch suspected drug users?
A Housing Association is seeking an ASBO in relation to one of your
pupils and asks for
a copy of his school record as evidence in the legal proceedings
A journalist asks for the Head Teacher’s salary, benefi ts and number of
sickness absence

Download full briefing PDF details with booking form here

Five Easy Ways To Book:

Fees #155 + VAT Includes attendance, drinks & biscuits and Briefing

Download booking form here and Post to:
Training Division, The Information Law Practice,
Mistletoe House, Rous Lench, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 4UW
or Fax Booking Form to 01386 661111
Telephone: 01386 793632 (Quote reference OXF1/eOSE)
or online at


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