Sam Saffron <> wrote:
> I am spawning sidekiqs from the master process so I share memory
> better, added this patch
> Thing is I need to be in the master thread for both checks and
> spawning cause of this

I'll try to take a look at that, soon[1]

> Is there a cleaner way to hook in?

Not really.  I can't promise no changes, but at least you told us about

I don't want to encourage apps written specifically for unicorn and
defeating the point of Rack, either; but I don't imagine unicorn
changing much[2] until Rack 2.0 (if that ever happens?)

[1] - Most of my energy is devoted right now.
      With the imminent death of the Rubyforge lists,
      Free Software extremist-console-junkies like me need
      to keep distributed communication alive and usable to
      non-GUI users.

[2] - Obvious the mailing list will change :P
      And probably some wankery in providing an nginx alternative
      via yahns[3], but this won't change unicorn itself.

[3] - allowing for lazy buffering on streaming output
      and selectively handling MT-safe endpoints yahns,
      while proxying non-MT-safe endpoints to unicorn...
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