Hello Mopo,

Some of you know that I use to work at Marvel.   My friend and Chief Creative 
Director Joe Quesada had a bunch of his own private collection stolen recently.
Since you all keep an eye out for things.   I would appreciate it if you could 
do the same for my friend Joe.

Here is his email with the little description I have.      He knows who did it 
and he is in custody.   Mr. Francesco Bove.   So if you purchased anything from 
him,  please know it may have been stolen and I know Joe is interested in 
purchasing it back.



There was an enormous collection of Archie art from various artists like Stan 
Goldberg, Harry Lucey, Sam Schwartz but the majority of it by Dan DeCarlo. 
There were also Laugh Comics pages by Bill Woggon, The Adventures Of Pipsqueak 
by Walt Lardner as well as Pat The Brat and Shrimpy by Joe Harold and a huge 
assortment of other artists from the 50s and 60s to today. I lost pages of my 
own professional art as well as art I purchased from dear and talented friends. 
But what stings the most is that Mr. Bove took artwork that I had discovered 
many years ago stored in my father’s home after he had passed away. Drawings 
and paintings I did in elementary school, high school and college. Practice 
sample pages I had done before ever seriously thinking I could be in comics. 
This was art I was leaving behind for my daughter just as my father had left it 
for me. It kills me to think that I’ll never get this stuff back now that it’s 
been scattered to the four winds perhaps bought and sold more times than I care 
to imagine… or possibly even destroyed.

Now here’s the part where I could use your help.

While I’m hopeful that now in custody Mr. Bove may lead the Detectives to the 
people and locations where he sold the art, perhaps some of you reading this 
might be able to point the Sparta New Jersey Police Department in the right 
direction. If you’ve purchased any art from Mr. Francesco Bove and have it in 
your possession or know someone who does please contact

Det. Jeffrey McCarrick at (973) 726-4072
Or the Sparta New Jersey Police Department 
 or on their FB page https://www.facebook.com/sparta.police/

. Please know that I understand completely that this was sold under false 
pretenses and I fault no one for not knowing that. All I want is to retrieve as 
much of the art as I possibly can especially the attached Dan DeCarlo cover for 
Archie #322 which means the world to me and my family. Unfortunately it has 
been sold at least twice over that I’m aware of but if you know where I can 
find it I will gladly purchase it back.

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