Two  nights ago I located three singing boreal owls in northern Lake 
County, the first time I've heard that many in one night in many years. 
Unfortunately, none could be relocated last night, but  they are likely on 
territories and will sing again in the next few weeks. One was located about 
3/4 mile or so SE of the Isabella Lake parking lot. Another was singing 
from just south of Bog Lake. By far the most accessible of the three was 
singing from just north of the Tomahawk Road (FR173) at a point 4.8 miles 
east of Hwy 1. However it's song territory extends north from there, so 
even if it is singing, you won't necessarily find it close to the road. If 
anyone does check for these birds, I'd appreciate hearing what you find, 
even if it's that the birds weren't heard.

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