Planning System Based on MyLifeOrganized

Publication Date: 18.06.2021
Author: Oleksandr Krayovyi

A well-tuned mechanism, where all weak links are addressed, and everything 
is clear as day. It's time to share my planning system, which I've been 
using for many years. In some ways, it resembles the American 
Constitution—new additions appear over time, but the foundation remains 
unshakable. All elements are time-tested, refined, and reliable. Nothing 
superfluous. Nothing without explanation or rationale.

Reading forums, I often encounter users' "reinvented wheels." I have 
nothing against it. If it works for someone, that's the beauty of 
MyLifeOrganized. Everyone customizes it to their needs. However, my 
personal belief is that such "handmade" systems can be daunting for 
* They scare them off
* They seem overly complicated

This became another reason for writing this article: to show new 
MyLifeOrganized users that the system and product can be understandable and 
convenient, to share my insights and approach with experienced users, and 
to demonstrate the unique capabilities of MyLifeOrganized to those still 
deciding on a planner.

"Let's go!" as cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin once said...

1. Settings: There are many, but you set them once and that's it!
2. Basic Concepts: What is what?
3. One-time Task
4. Recurring Task
5. Project
6. What I Record in Project Notes
7. Project Statuses - The Basis of My Weekly System Review
8. Goals
9. Review - A Tool for Displaying "Someday" Tasks
10. Reference Information
11. Task Tree: A Complete Life Display
12. Contexts, Flags, Text Tags: Why So Many?
13. Active Actions: Main Working Lists
14. Principles of Working in My System
15. How to Form the Right List for the Current Situation
16. Are You Satisfied with Your Planning System?

Settings: There are many, but you set them once and that's it!
MyLifeOrganized has a lot of properties. Often, I see people using them 
without understanding their purpose or benefits. They just use whatever 
comes to hand. Hence my rule: Assign specific properties to certain types 
of tasks to quickly create a simple list of tasks, projects, and 
information with the necessary sorting. It's essential to understand the 
purpose of each property:
1. Which tasks to assign them to?
2. What does it provide?
3. How will it be applied or used?

In my courses, I always draw an analogy: Assigning properties to tasks is 
like the amount of sugar in tea:
1. The optimal amount is individual for everyone.
2. If there's too little sugar, it feels like something is missing.
3. If there's too much sugar, it feels cloying and uncomfortable.

By the way, there are properties I don't use at all. But this is not due to 
ignorance of their purpose, but my conscious choice. I understand that for 
you, these might be some of the most important properties. To make it 
clearer, I'll give an example of how I analyze properties. It's enough to 
give each value a definition that leaves no room for ambiguous 
interpretation. For example, a deadline. What is it? A deadline is a point 
after which it either makes no sense to complete the task, or certain 
consequences occur after the given date or time (financial loss, letting 
someone down, damaging relationships, etc.). A deadline is assigned only to 
tasks that have one. To determine whether to assign a deadline to a task, 
ask: What will happen if I don't complete this task by the assigned 
deadline? If nothing significant (in my understanding) happens, no deadline 
is assigned. These tasks can be important, urgent, "for yesterday," "for 
the day before yesterday," which will also affect their weight in the list 
of active actions. But they don't have a real deadline. This approach helps 
avoid a large number of overdue tasks, especially those with low priority, 
which undoubtedly affects internal calm and trust in the system.

Assignment: Try to define with unambiguous interpretation what urgency, 
importance, start date, and other properties mean to you.

Basic Concepts: What is what?
One-time Task
In reality, there are very few one-time tasks, especially those that fit my 
definition. For me, a one-time task is one that has the following 
1. Can be completed in one go at one location.
2. All necessary resources are available.
3. Completing the task does not require further development.

Each of these actions is self-sufficient. Done and forgotten! It's 
important to distinguish one-time actions from project sub-tasks. For 
example: scheduling a meeting with a client. It can be done in one go at 
one location. All resources might be available. But the process doesn't end 

Recurring Task
Such tasks can be called areas of responsibility. Their main purpose is: 
What and how often should be done to keep life under control and prevent 
crises? This can also be called crisis prevention. Given that recurring 
tasks vary in type and priority, I pay great attention in my planning 
system to setting the correct duration for each task. This helps avoid 
overdue tasks and stay in a state of flow. The correct duration of a task 
is the stretch between the start date and the deadline. On the forum, I 
once explained this using the example of cleaning an apartment. In such a 
* Deadline - the day when complete chaos ensues.
* Start date - the day when cleaning should already be done.
* Set periodicity - the period from the last cleaning to the moment when 
complete chaos ensues again.

This algorithm can be applied to almost all recurring tasks. This approach 
works especially well for tasks that repeat by completion date. I call the 
process of handling a recurring task "launching on autopilot." This means 
that the task:
* Is fully processed, all properties are assigned, and it requires no 
further thought or decision-making. Everything is already decided. Just 
perform the action without straining your mind.
* Contains all necessary information, links, and data for completion in the 
notes. No need to switch to the browser and search for the required site in 
bookmarks. One click on the link in the notes, and you're on the right page.

By the way, only in MyLifeOrganized have I seen the ability to add links to 
files on the computer. Not attach, but create a link to launch!

A project is a desired result (an open question, a problem or situation, a 
desired state) that requires two or more actions. A project cannot be 
completed. You can perform the necessary number of actions to achieve the 
desired result.

Definition of projects in GTD by David Allen, author of Getting Things Done:
Projects are desired results that require more than one action to achieve 
and can be completed within the next 12 months. A project is considered 
active as long as it involves at least one next action, an entry in the 
waiting list, or a scheduled step in the calendar. Projects that do not 
have a next action, an entry in the waiting list, or a scheduled step in 
the calendar are either no longer projects or should be moved to the 
"Someday" list. The list of projects and project plans are usually reviewed 
during the Weekly Review to ensure that each project involves at least one 
next action, an entry in the waiting list, or a scheduled step in the 

For each project, I use a template that I insert into the notes. I took it 
from a standard Russian-language template and slightly modified it for 
Markdown display. It looks like this in edit mode and like this in view 

What I Record in Project Notes
1. Successful outcome - criteria by which I can determine that the project 
is complete.
2. Organization - key points, steps to consider when determining the next 
actions for the project.
3. Notes - necessary information, contacts, phone numbers, links. 
Everything that might be needed to complete the project.
4. Journal - a timeline of completed actions. Not all actions, but only key 

Project Statuses - The Basis of My Weekly System Review
I pay special attention to project statuses in my system. I created a clear 
gradation for myself regarding the status of each project. As a result, 
most projects are reviewed during the weekly review, which is sufficient at 
the moment. Only a certain number of projects are moved to execution. It 
turns out:
1. Project "Not Started" - reviewed during the weekly review. No actions 
have been taken, and nothing is planned for the next week. Hidden in To-Do.
2. Project "In Progress" - a list of working projects that need or can be 
acted upon.
3. Project "On Hold" - stalled and postponed projects. Needed for the 
weekly review. In 99% of cases, this is enough.
4. Project "Completed" - finished. The status is more for analysis and to 
avoid cluttering the list of ongoing projects.

I take a week as the unit of review for project actions, as the great David 
Allen advised. This period allows for convenient adjustment of direction 
and speed. Even if a project is not urgent, performing at least one small 
action per week results in 52 actions. Rarely does a project require that 
many actions to complete. I call this "background project completion."

Everyone asks how a goal differs from a project. Many don't understand or 
don't want to think about what is what. Goals are what bring changes to my 
life. They transform it. Make it different. And to achieve them, actions 
that were not done before need to be taken. Reaching a new level that was 
not previously attained. Doing the same things as before will always yield 
the same results. I fully agree with this quote!

Goals are also projects, as they fit the definition. But they are needed to 
track progress towards the desired result or state. For convenience, you 
can change the "Projects" view settings to not display goal projects. Thus, 
in the "Projects" view, only current projects that do not lead to life 
transformation will be displayed.

Review - A Tool for Displaying "Someday" Tasks
Review is a gentle reminder of postponed ideas, thoughts, and tasks. I also 
call the review "deferred decision-making." In the review, I place tasks 
that did not or will not make it into active actions, projects, or goals. 
This approach ensures nothing is missed, regardless of other settings. I 
fundamentally do not place projects in the review. Why? I already review 
them at least once a week.

Reference Information
No matter how you look at it, MLO is not designed for storing reference 
information. Other services do this better, simpler, and more effectively. 
The same Evernote or Notion. So what information should be stored in the 
planner's notes? Only what is necessary for completing projects, goals, or 
tasks. For example, I have:
* A link to a Google Docs file in the task for writing this article.
* In the "Site" folder notes, there is a link to the admin 
login, site color schemes, etc.

Task Tree: A Complete Life Display
My task tree reflects all areas of my life. Each area is further divided 
into corresponding directions. Each direction, if necessary, is also 
divided. A fragment of my task tree in MyLifeOrganized.

The answer to the question "Why do you need such a detailed task tree?" I 
found relatively recently after reading the book "Systematic in Everything":
1. All areas of my life, all directions are displayed. A holistic approach 
to life emerges.
2. Each area or direction can be improved. No need for drastic changes. 
Improving each direction by 1% results in exponential system enhancement.

The more detailed the task tree is laid out in folders, the harder it is to 
lie to yourself that you are doing something in a particular direction. 
Everything is visible as clear as day. Everything is objective. On one 
hand, it's convenient and honest; on the other hand, you need to find the 
courage to admit that it's you who is doing nothing about a particular 

Contexts, Flags, Text Tags: Why So Many?
You won't believe it, but all these three components play an active role in 
my planning system. With these three components, I can set up a task to 
fully reflect the meaning I put into it.

Contexts are my life situations, the blocks that make up my active day. For 
* @Home - I am at home doing household chores.
* @Calls - my list of calls that I need or can make.

Text tags are the people I interact with. Tags are conveniently selected 
from a dropdown list or assigned with hotkeys. The peculiarity of tags, 
unlike contexts:
* Only one text tag can be assigned. And that's correct. Even if it's a 
group of people, only one can be responsible. Like in football - the team 
plays, but at a certain moment, the ball can only be with one player.
* If there are no tasks left with a specific text tag, they disappear from 
the list. Thus, we don't need to allocate time to sort the list of people 
we interact with. This is done automatically.

Another reason I use text tags for people and not contexts is uniformity. 
It's impossible to foresee all interactions with other people using 
contexts. There are:
* Clients
* Rare meetings
* Specialists of a certain profile

They also need to be tracked. Tags are perfect for this!

Active Actions: Main Working Lists
The biggest difference between MyLifeOrganized and other planners is the 
transformation of a tree list into a simple list of active actions that can 
be performed right here and now.

Principles of Working in My System
The foundation of my planning system is the proper processing of incoming 
information, which allows:
1. Not to lose any task. Necessary properties are assigned, allowing the 
task to be seen in the required lists.
2. To bring the execution process to simply following the formed list of 
active actions depending on the current situation.

All the productivity of my system boils down to a state of flow and a 
negative answer to the question, "Am I doing something pointless right 
now?" At every moment, I am confident that I am doing the most important 
thing out of all possible, without missing or forgetting anything.

Every day, new tasks and projects appear. You still won't be able to 
complete them all. And you don't need to. All that is possible is to engage 
in the most important thing for yourself at every moment of your time. It 
doesn't matter if it's:
* Working
* Writing an article
* Training
* Spending time with family

How to Form the Right List for the Current Situation
When everything is structured, organized, and "done," the question arises: 
What to do next with all this beauty? Given complete trust:
* In the tool - it should not fail or refuse.
* In your system - it should be harmonious and structured.
* In the completeness and quality of processing incoming information - I am 
personally confident that the necessary task will be displayed where and 
when needed.

It remains only to adjust the list according to the situation I am in. This 
is done by filtering the selected list of active actions, where the 
* Contexts
* Flags
* Text filters
* Other properties are chosen.

This process reminds me of choosing a smartphone in an online store. 
Initially, all available options are offered. Considering that each 
smartphone in the picture looks like a "black rectangle," choosing a gadget 
with the required parameters in this form is unrealistic. This is how 
gadget selection looks without filters. Choosing the desired product 
without filters based on pictures, names, and prices is impossible! 
Therefore, using a filter, everything unnecessary is cut off. Parameters 
are set:
* Size
* Memory
* Number of SIM cards
* And others

As a result, about five gadgets remain for decision-making, comparing 
which, you can make a purchase decision. Fix this selection option for 
yourself! Imagine or visit any online store and see how filtering works 
there! Now try to apply the same approach to the list of active actions. As 
a result, lists are obtained that can be modified in seconds, depending on 
the current situation:
* Sat down at the computer - one list.
* Decided to focus on the site - added focus on the "Site" folder.
* Meeting with a person - switched to "Active by flag" - filtered by text 
* Went somewhere - switched to the "Nearby" view on the smartphone.
* Wanted to be alone and do something useful - focused on the necessary 
folder, turned off all tasks with a flag.
* And so on for each situation.

At the same time, I keep focus on tasks that need to be done today 
(meetings, events) in the "Today" or "Due in the next 7 days" views. But I 
use them not as a list for actions, but as the basis of my day. I don't 
miss anything. Even if I am busy with something else, a reminder of the 
upcoming meeting will notify me in advance. This creates a state of flow. 
Life flows. Changes. No "extra movements" are made. Confidence and calm. I 
am in control of my life.

What does your work with to-do lists resemble?
A long trip. When you enjoy the road, the views from the window. Confidence 
in the car. Confidence in yourself as a driver. You choose the speed at 
which to drive. You decide which gas stations to stop at and where to stop 
to enjoy the views and stretch your legs.
City traffic in a jam. And it seems to be the same car and driver. But 
constant "swings" in traffic jams make you nervous. A constant feeling of 
being late. Not managing to do something. Spinning "like a squirrel in a 
Voted: 64

Are You Satisfied with Your Planning System?
System! That's the most important thing in any life area. A well-tuned 
mechanism, where all weak links are addressed, and everything is clear as 
day. This is what I do. I help people create their planning system, 
achieving goals that:
* Harmoniously fits into your life
* Fully shows all your strengths and weaknesses
* Is 100% yours (like a custom-made suit)
* Doesn't require many resources, strength, and time
* Is convenient and reliable

Ask yourself:
How many years have you been trying to create your system?
What opportunities have you lost by independently inventing the perfect 
system, fitting it into one tool or another?
And how much longer are you willing to experiment with your life?

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