(Clay Daniels) writes:

>If I try this:    #gpt show wd0
>I get this:        GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2

>Then the next installation I deliberately used the default of FFSv2, I 
>get the same thing. I'm sure I must be expecting the gpt command to do 
>more than it really does. What other commands shows the fast file system 
>in use?

gpt shows the entry in the partition table, there is only one type value
for NetBSD FFS which is independent of version.

To see details about FFS you can use the dumpfs tool as in:

   dumpfs -s /dev/...
   dumpfs -s /mount/point


# dumpfs -s /
file system: /dev/rdk3
format  FFSv2
endian  little-endian

# dumpfs -s /dev/vnd0a
file system: /dev/vnd0a
format  FFSv2ea
endian  little-endian

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