Hi guys

I was just working on a way to detect non JS browsers, so I added the following to my page:

<img src='/cgi-bin/myscript/script.pl?nojs=yes' alt='nonJS counter' />

Then I turned off JS in firefox and tested it.... it worked perfectly.. so I tried both Lynx and links..

no count at all....

Then I had a DOH!! moment when I realised that both Lynx and links are text based browsers, IE they ignore images, and therefore would not trigger an image link.

So now I find myself wondering...... what sort of things will text browsers and spiders pull in when displaying a page???
I could make a CSS external sheet link.. but I don't think they are used either...

Any anyone think of some type of link that a text browser will pull in so I can count it?

(I realise I could use a apache log parser, but I give this script away to people that may not have log access so I need to do this with an object in the page.)

So, my question is, what objects in a web page will a text browser or bot fetch? obviously they will ignore images, js and css files, does that leave anything else?



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