Hello Peter,

Thursday, September 25, 2003, 3:53:36 AM, you wrote:

PW> However, this is really a  reflection of the sheep like mentality
PW> of the electors and not a valid  criticism of the parliament as
PW> such, to put it another way. if you vote  for idiots you get
PW> idiots in parliament, but is this the idiot's fault or  yours

You are discounting the enormous power of the media. If a person
repeatedly hears one side, and negative information about the other,
even a non-idiot will probably go along with the propaganda.
Just look at the recall circus in California. The leading candidate on
one side is a well-known actor. Even well qualified candidates
probably don't have a chance against him. Media exposure runs the

With huge media conglomerates, it's becoming simple:

Huge campaign contributions --> large media exposure --> get elected.

The best government money can buy.


 rikona                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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